Frank - High

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y/n's POV:

It's a late summer night. You're in your room pacing frantically as you receive persistent messages from a guy you have been interested in lately.

Frank was very attractive; his demeanor was distant but somehow you found that intriguing. Not to mention, his mannerisms; which were very polite, despite common rumors that floated around contradicting his attitude. He also smoked often, which you weren't fond of, but again, somehow you found that individually enticing.

Honestly, you were confused on why he would be interested in you. Your perceptions on life were contrasting in every form possible. You were more reserved, while he was more impulsive. You were identified as innocent, while he was labeled as dangerous. You've heard about all the girls he had played before you, but you ignored those negative fabrications and decided that the best option was to observe what he had to offer when he interacted with you.

Tonight, he was continuously asking if you'd sneak out and smoke with him. When you mentioned that you've never been high before, he instantly questioned if you would let him smoke you out for your first time. Frank was skillfully persuasive, so it was no issue getting you to agree to his suggestion.

As you searched your room for a black hoodie, your phone vibrated amongst your dresser. Curiously, you reached for the device and read Frank's message on the screen.

Frank: You ready? I'll be there soon.

Instantly, your heart skipped a beat. Being that you had never snuck out of your own house, you were quite anxious for the night to come. It was half past twelve, so you weren't worried about your parents being awake; thankfully they were heavy sleepers.

You responded to Frank's text with, "Almost, lmk when ur here;)."

Once the text delivered, you scattered through your belongings to retrieve what you needed for the evening. You determined that darker colors would be easier to hide in, (Just in case an unexpected situation were to occur). So, you wore a black over-sized Nike hoodie with some matching shorts, as well as, some Nike slides. Your hair was already distinguished in a messy bun, and you decided to apply some coconut scented lip gloss. Finally, you heavily sprayed a vanilla scented perfume all around your body to suppress any weed scent when you were to return to your house. Regardless, you were going to wash the clothes the following morning.

Your phone vibrated once more, you knew Frank had arrived. You could hear the roaring engine from outside the silent neighborhood. You opened the message which read.

Frank: Here, I'm in the black Lexus.

Quickly, you reclaimed your necessary belongings and headed towards your front door. You made sure to be extra cautious when you were passing your parents room, despite them being knocked out.

Reaching the front door, you turned the knob and lock without making any sudden commotion. Once, you had completed this, you lightly pulled the bulky doorway towards your body. Every muscle within you tensed, a feeling of adrenaline pumped through your veins excessively. Slowly but surely, the faint light from the outdoors shined upon your action. With this, you cautiously slipped your way through the tiny sliver you had created, forcing yourself out into the intimidating darkness.

With discrete movements, you escaped the entryway and raced eagerly towards Frank's parked Lexus. The sound of your heart pounded in your ears; it felt unfamiliar.

Upon reaching the vehicle, you heard him unlock the passenger door. His smile beamed even through the tinted windows. You pulled the car door calmly; the complete opposite of what you were sensing.

"y/n!" Frank dove for a greeted embrace once you sat down in the passenger seat. His signature smell was captivating; it consisted of a rustic fresh aroma mixed with marijuana, which you found incredibly contagious and attractive. His arms felt strong against your frail body, his figure radiated a warm comforting sensation. Sadly, he departed from the hug too soon for your needs. He scanned your presence, instantly earning a blushed reaction from you, "You look fine as hell right now."

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