Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


"Please, I don't want to start an argument again." I said but his hand tighten the grip on my sides. "Rai..."

Inilapit niya ng mukha sa pisngi ko. He rested his chin on my shoulder that caused chaos beating inside my chest. I am supposed to get out of his grip. I am supposed to push him away. I am supposed to... but my body is betraying me that they defy my minds order.

"I-I'm sorry..." he take a deep breath. "Fuck! Damn it! Why the fuck would I say sorry?" he groaned in a whisper for Greev won't hear.

I was taken aback by what he just said. I actually didn't see this coming. This isn't what this day is supposed to be. All of these are making me uncomfortable.

Every time his hot breathes touch my cheeks it would creep up and turn my cheeks red. This is unbelievable, the way my body reacts to his, the way my body defy myself, the way my heart pound for uncomfortable reason.

"Are you sorry because you are told so or you are sorry because you feel like it? That your sorry." I said straight.

I must be proud of myself that despite the deafeaning beat of my heart I could still hear him and reply straight.

"You're so rude, don't you know that? I already said sorry but you're asking what reason why I am sorry of. You're unbelievable. Ako na 'tong nag-sorry, isang Castillio."

Kumunot ang noo ko. I ignored the boastful part of his. "Can't you just answer me? And please, let me loss. You're gesture is giving me creeps."

"Creeps huh..." he tighten his grip on my hips even more that I feel his hands bore on my sides.

Napapikit ako. I close my eyes tightly and groaned. "Rai..." I bite my lower lip in desperation.

"Yes, moan for me, Love." his voice is hoarse and it screams danger to me. Damn you, Railey!

This is killing me. My sanity slip off and I am left with my traitor body that is unusually reacting to his gesture.

"What are you two doing?" inosenteng tanong ni Greev na ikinabalik ng wisyo ko.

I quickly got up and hit Railey's face with my elbow upon standing. I do it in my most accidental way for him not to notice I purposely did it.

"Fuck! What was that?!" he shouted but I didn't mind him.

I saw on my peripheral vision, one of the maids who's rooted on her post with her jaw dropped.

My heart wildly beat. I am fucking screwed, now. Greev saw us? Greev just fucking saw us! His brother saw us! Ano nalang sasabihin ng bata? Ano nalang sasabihin ng ibang nakakakita? Na malandi ako. I'm very sure that someone saw us. Fuck this!

"I-it's no-nothing. J-just go on with your activity. It's nothing... you saw nothing." nataranta na ako. I can't even formulate an exact excuse because of the fear that someone saw us and I am very sure that it will be the talk of the town if someone from the maids spilled it.

I closed my eyes harshly. "I'll... I'll just go the bathroom for a minute. Just a minute." with that, I stormed out of the living room.

'Fuck, Ely what have you done! Kahit hindi nila alam ang totoo may masasabi at masasabi sila. It's inappropriate! It's fucking inappropriate!'

I keep on scolding myself about the negatives that my mind thought but defended by another thought again.

'It's not your fault! No one saw you both! Fuck, get your senses back Ely! This is not you! Get a hold of yourself! You're not like this!'

After The Chase (Castillio Series #1) [COMPLETE]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant