All But One

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By the time lunch rolled in, Nomirandy had made a bonfire of 'his' homework right under Mr Bannister's nose, attached a piece of paper on Slimovitz's back with the words 'Pi Slimz' (A name called by students which the Principal hated.) and made the most delicious pie in Home Ec...and tore it apart and fed it to the pigeons right in front of Mrs Driscoll.

Bash had already respected him as the Legendary Mean Bro and students were in awe of him and girls looked at him hopefully as he passed. In Nomirandy's opinion, the day couldn't get any better. In Howard's opinion, the day couldn't get any worse.

The doppelganger strode in to the cafeteria, winking at Flute Girl as he did so. He tapped his finger on Heidi's nose as he collected his food tray-to which Howard's eye twitched. He gave Morgan a look which made her blush and made Howard shiver with jealousy.

When Nomirandy automatically sat on the immediate seat next to Theresa, Howard flinched, expecting a reenactment of What happened last time.

Nomirandy looked at Theresa, blinked and did nothing. He began to eat silently, as if in deep thought. Howard's jaw dropped.


It was weird to sit next to someone whom you once bullied. Nomirandy could vividly remember the day when he was first let out of the Nomicon. He was going to hit on Theresa, but ended up flirting with Heidi instead, causing the purple haired girl to cry and get stanked.

He couldn't help but look at her curiously and wonder. Was it jealousy? A broken heart? If she was so upset until she got stanked, then she must really like Randy.

Then came the feeling that he had never experienced before: guilt. Guilt washed over him like the waves at the beach, covering him in shame that he had made somebody cry. She didn't do anything wrong; he did.

Nomirandy felt embarrassed to sit next to her as if nothing happened. But she didn't know that he was a different person from the Randy she knew.

Normally he would just brush off thoughts like these. Now, he didnt. 'This is a weird day.' Watching her talk to her Debbie Kang, he ate quietly, deep in thought.

He'd never really cared about what anyone thought. Even today was the same. He couldn't care less about other people's feelings. But when he saw Theresa... He suddenly cared about how she felt. Strange...

"Oh, hey Randy." Theresa turned to face Nomirandy close. Her cheeks tinged pink as she adjusted her seat further.

Noticing this, Nomirandy grinned and seemed to regain his old self. "Yo. How ya doin, girl?"

Theresa blushed even more. Randy hardly talked to her like this. She decided to brush off the subject for now.

"Um... do you know katanas aren't allowed in high school?"


"So you're rebelling now?"

Nomirandy looked at her and placed his feet on the table, much to Howard's displeasure. "Uh-uh Fowler, I'm way past rebelling."

"Okaaay, but haven't you broken enough school rules just today already?"

Nomirandy snorted. This girl was cute. "Breaking school rules is Bash's job. By Friday I'll have broken all the school rules."

"Aren't you afraid to get in trouble?"

"Trouble is way outta my league. It's for amateurs. I'm moving on to big stuff. Chaos."

"Mmhhhmm." Theresa wasn't the first person to notice 'Randy's' new attitude. However, she was the first person to not let it get to her. Whether or not she liked this new Randy, she really couldn't say. He was chaos and she was the exact opposite- how could she feel attracted to chaos?

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