|| AU 1 PART 1 ||

56 5 47

|| In no way does this scenario affect the rp you are doing with Jaehyun, this is just an idea ||

You had just told Jaehyun that you were going to have another baby, he was excited and babbling at the news, he always wanted a sibling and now that he was going to have a younger one, he wanted to take extra care of them

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You had just told Jaehyun that you were going to have another baby, he was excited and babbling at the news, he always wanted a sibling and now that he was going to have a younger one, he wanted to take extra care of them.

It had been a few months and you had a bit of trouble with the baby since you were always awake due to them kicking or you were being sick or tired a lot. Jaehyun started to feel a little lonely and distant since you were always busy cleaning, working or cooking and sleeping.

Jaehyun waddles towards you as you were cooking in the kitchen and giggles as he held up a piece of paper he drew on, " m-mama/d-dada! w-wook! "

On the paper were three stick figures in what looked like a park and in one of the stick figures arm was a scribble which looked like a baby in a blanket. You glanced at it before quickly looking away to continue cutting the vegetables, " that's nice Jaehyun-ah "

Jaehyun blinked as you barely looked at it and slowly lowers the paper before nodding and quietly shuffles to the play mat in the lounge.

He placed the paper down before sitting down and started to play with the building blocks on his play mat while you were cooking. You hadn't noticed the change in Jaehyun's personality since stress overwhelmed you and you were too busy to focus on him.

He quietly built the blocks on the small tower, he gave a glance at you before looking down and knocked the tower down to make shapes with them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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