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I somehow walking and on the way home to my apartment right now.

'School's over. Fuckin' finally!'

My apartment is near the court and the maji burger. I heard dribble of ball coming from the when im nearby. Curiosity got the best of me so I cant help but to peek a little.

What I saw was a very surprising sight. Kagami Taiga and Kuroko Tetsuya. Kagami keep getting past of Kuroko who just stood there like a statue.

'Uhm I shouldnt be thinking of this but dude are you really fighting someone whose shooting is not the skill huh.'

I know that Kagami might still haven't know but you can feel it at first glance. Kagami dude stopped and looked at Kuroko and then continued to shoot the ball.

"One more time." Well kuroko you fucked. You're riling him up. Kagami smirked and pass the ball to kuroko. Kuroko dribble the ball.

'That was some weak ass hand dribbling.'

Kagami easily steal the ball and shoot it. He looked to the shorter boy and got mad.

"Don't mess with me! Did you hear what I said! You're overestimating yourself if you think you can win against me like that!" Kagami who clearly saw how Kuroko play shouted comically. (Y/N)'s getting amused by the seconds passed watching the two.

"Isn't it obvious that Kagami-kun is the strongest?" Kuroko answered with his usual poker face. (Y/N) chuckled at his blunt response.

"Are you picking a fight? What's your goal?" And Kagami clearly pissed off, asked that.

"I wanted to see Kagami-kun's strength directly." Kuroko said as if it was the amazing idea that he has. Kagami and (Y/N) who was still hiding, just face-palm at the male's answer.

"I'm not interested in weak guys. I'll give you one last advice, It's better if you give up on basketball." Kagami said calmly while facing Kuroko and ready to leave.

'Dude, that's beyond rude.' (Y/N) thought with a frown flash on his handaome face.

"No matter what kind of beautiful things you say about effort. It's undeniable fact that you need talent in the society. You have no talent for basketball." Kagami said.

'You have no say on what he wants to do, idiot.' (Y/N) was about to come out on his hiding spot not until he stop when Kuroko starts talking.

"I have to say no to that. To begin with, I love basketball. On top of that, it's the matter of point of view. I do not care about who is the strongest." Kuroko still calm, said it right to Kagami's face. (Y/N) silently applauded him and agreed.

"I am different from you," Kuroko said while holding the basket ball.

Everything seems to silence and tense as Kuroko said his last words.

"I am a shadow.'' Kuroko's voice made (Y/N) focus on what was happening right now.

'Uhh... what the fuck.'

Kagami who has the look of question mark on his face just looked back at Kuroko. (Y/N) mentally laughed at his ignorance.

"I am searching for my new light and testing you. The manager seems good and it would be him if he was a player but he's not." Kuroko said.

'Oh, haha that's very funny one Kuroko. Now I feel bad.'

"What bullshit is this." Okay eyebrows you need to fucking calm the fuck down. I revealed myself for those two to see.

"Hey guys." I groggily said and lazily wave my hand. The look of confusion and slight shock was visible to their faces and I laughed at that. They both composed theirselves and returned to what their expression before the saw me.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Kagami said. Well fuck you too.

"My apartmemt is on this way." I said while rolling my eyes at him, holding myself back to not give him a middle finger sign.

"Hey Kuroko Tetsuya, its nice to see you again. Oh I heard what you said back there and thank you." I smiled slightly at him but he looked away from me.

'Hehe he's embarassed. Cute~'

I turn to Kagami seeing him holding a basket ball and immediately steals it from him. He got shook and smirked at me when he realized what I am planning to do.

'1 on 1 hehe, just wanted to put you in place.' I thought and grinned at him.

He ran after me but he wasn't fast enough to caught up with me. Kuroko is watching at the side and seems interested.

I ran and stop at the three-point line and immediatly threw the ball. It seems forced but its not. They seems surprise that it went in.

'Hehe this is the basics for me.'

(Y/N) looked at Kagami and the latter got that animalistic look and smirk on his face.

'Dude what the fuck! stop that.' (Y/N) mentally complained.

'This guy is the real deal than that little miracle.' Kagami thought.

'I knew he was good.' Kuroko thought while watching (Y/N) and Kagami play.

It was 10-0 and in (Y/N)'s favor. Kagami was panting while the other stood there watching the two-toned red headed male.

'He has so much potential! This dude!' (Y/N) thought while hiding his smirk from everyone.

"Not bad eyebrows." (Y/N) complimented but Kagami took it the wrong way and scowled at (Y/N). He passed the ball back to Kagami and wipe the dusk that got onto his uniform.

"Okay, I should take my leave. See you tomorrow." And he left while lazily raised his hand saying goodbye.

Too bad that he didnt see the two people who had red tint on their faces.

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