Chapter 31

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We made it back as fast as we could. We all ran the entire way, I don't know about them but I was exhausted. When we finally stopped Misa through the bag to Cade. "Here take it!" She said surprisingly not out of breath, me and Lily looked at each other as if she was insane.

"By the way it's gonna stink." I panted out before Cade unzipped the bag. "Really? I thought it would smell like flowers." He said sarcastically. As I rolled my eyes he unzipped and immediately started coughing. "Yup, that's certainly a dead body." Ellie said waving in front of her face with her hand.

While she was distracted Leo took her book and started to read it. "What the fuck!? This is all jiberish! How the hell are you getting all this information!" He said looking at the pages weirdly trying to read it.

She immediately snatched it from him. "It's in a different language you dult." Different language? There's no books about the realm of the dead in English? Well around here everything is just legend and myth. I guess Ellie had to find something that was real. Or at least suppose to real?

When I looked over to Jack he was as pale as a ghost, maybe even more. I mean seeing your own dead sister being taken out of a bag after watching her die would be pretty cruel to the mind. I also noticed that Jane's body was placed with care in the centre of the circle.

"Jack? Are you okay?" I asked. He looked at me, he kinda looked close to crying. "It's okay. It's for a good cause Jack." I tried to explain. I didn't really know anything nicer to say. He nodded, probably biting his tongue.

Cade called over the team, he was still coughing a bit. "Ellie explain." He said when everyone got over. You could tell the stench bothered him because the whites of his eyes were now red. "Aeron come here." She said gesturing me to walk up to her.

I don't wanna-and of course Jason pushes me telling me to go. I walk to Ellie, she can tell I'm a tad nervous. I have no idea what I'm doing or if it's important. "Now, you need to strike that crystal up there with your light element." She said pointing to a clear crystal at the top of the shrine.

"When Aeron does, the place will collapse a bit, but it's what creates the portal." Ellie finished explaining. I don't see how this all connects together, but I'm gonna do what I'm told. I created an orb of light in my hand and tried to aim at the crystal.

Then I shot it, direct hit! With that the two bowls and the circle that surrounded Jane's corpse started to glow, I realized the bowls had the same crystal in them and the circle must had been minerals from a crystal the same. Ellie was correct, it was like an earthquake hit the place and all the things that we collected for all this dissolved into the air.

I couldn't keep my balance and easily fell to the ground, I noticed that the stone wasn't going to support everything much longer. But Ellie didn't move, is this what's suppose to happen?

The ground instantly collapsed on me and I fell through, seeing nothing but pitch black darkness. Shit, is this gonna be Alice in wonderland where I start seeing some crazy stuff and it feels like I'm falling forever? I could here some girlish screams so the others must've fallen through too, I wouldn't be surprised if it were the guys who were screaming. Well I guess were a step foreword to finally saving Scott.

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