Field trip

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The girls wake up usual Blake curled up on Yang "kitty time to wake up" feeling groggy they get dressed having a message from Velvet saying she'll be helping them with a field trip today and to meet at the gym after breakfast. Walking to meet up with Velvet outside gym she told us the field trip will be to a village to help them rid of some Grimm Yang smashes her hands together "good some action" this made Velvet laugh "the students will be doing all the fighting I selected two teams out of the class that will be going with us" Blake looking at the school bus "I bought a book for the journey" Velvet showed the folder for the trip only being half an hour drive away. After students arrive hoping on the bus it was small but the seat felt comfortable there was a tv to keep the students occupied. Trip didn't take long Blake held Yangs hand the whole way. Arriving at the village it was small but friendly still had technology. A women with kid greeted us "welcome your here to help us with the Grimm problem" Velvet nodded "we have the two teams to help with the problem" the two teams gulped as they were nervous but Yang gave some encouragement to help. Took into a building with a big table discussing the Grimm problem that it was Ursula's Velvet pulled the students to the side "this can be dangerous so you'll be watched by us teachers but you won't be able to see us" Blake like how Velvet cared about them "okay kids let's get some lunch before we head off" smirked Yang

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