Pancake and Cherry

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Pancake and Cherry were almost sitting close to each other while staying away from Spinach Cookie's vegetable stand, Pancake has been having feelings to Cherry ever since they were friends for a few months and realized they were almost similar in common, Pancake was scared to tell Cherry that he had feelings to her, but he said "What if she wanted to bomb me for what I've said...?", Cherry heard him say what he has said and she told him that it was okay for him to tell her that he wanted to fall in love with her despite the fact that she still likes bombing people, Pancake told her that he loved her and Cherry said "Tee-hee, looks like you've said what I have said  because of that, here is a sweet smooch!" And then she kissed her  Pancake felt very adored from the smooch and fell down, the end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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