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|Fear of Halloween|
Kio x Noah

"Have you locked the doors? Closed all the curtains and turned all the outside lights off?" Kio questions, looking up from the bundle of blankets covering his body on the large couch.

"Yes. Yes. And yes." Noah beams down at the adorable boy and slowly pulls the blankets off of him. "Now we need to start the blanket fort or we won't do it."

"Fineeee." Kio huffs, making grabby hands towards Noah and giving him his best puppy dog eyes. Noah chuckles and hooks his hands into Kio's, hoisting the smaller boy onto his feet before tossing a blanket onto his face.

"Let's do this!" Noah cheers, grabbing dining room chairs from the kitchen and beginning the process of putting the blanket fort together.


"Yay, finally!" Kio squeals, plopping down onto the made bed inside the fort, pulling Noah beside him.

"Careful, this took to long to make for you to destroy it right after we finish." Noah warns, pulling a blanket over the two of them and grabbing the TV remote.

"Sorry." Kio whispers, kissing Noah's lips passionately once he's turned back to face him. "Now, we're gonna watch Mulan."

"You're such a tease." Noah sighs happily, only inches away from the shorter boys face. But he listens to Kio's demand and turns Mulan onto the TV, making Kio smile and cuddle into Noah's side.

A knock is heard at the door halfway through the movie, making Kio stiffen and cuddle deeper into his boyfriends side. The knocking doesn't stop and Noah starts getting annoyed, he knows Kio doesn't like Halloween and he doesn't need sweaty kids asking for candy at their front door, ruining Kio's happy mood.

Noah groans and starts to get up, but gets stopped by a hand on his arm, pulling him back down onto the soft comforter.

"Let them knock, they're not gonna get anything, let's just enjoy the movie and our popcorn." Kio smiles slightly, lifting his head to kiss Noah's lips before laying his head back down onto his chest.

"Okay. I love you." Noah smiles, carding his fingers through Kio's soft curls, hearing a purr like noise come from the shorter boy.

"I love you too."

(370 words)

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