A Curious Case for Clara: Chapter Five

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Hey everyone!! So I know.. I havent posted in about two-three days! I am terrible aren't I?? I am sorry... I just have been crazy busy! School... blahhhh! I would write all day if I could! Anways.. this chapter is going to be a little bit dark. I just want to warn everyone... 

P.S. I want to say thank you to anyone who has read, vote, commented, liked, or fanned! You guys are the reason that I feel like I should be so dedicated to this story! You are all AMAZING!

So everyone knows the drill right?


If you already do all that without my reminder then you ROCK!!

These things keep me motivated to write more often(:

Kay... I will let the reading begin then..



A Curious Case for Clara

Chapter Five

My father’s hand slid over Olivia’s body, wrapping around her waist in a fastening manor.

Girlfriend! Olivia was my father’s girlfriend?

“What about mom” I questioned. I glanced at the poor girl trapped in my dad’s arms, “you do know he is married right?”

            Olivia’s eyes bulged out of her head, and she looked at me as if I had grown three extra heads and one more left foot.

“Uhhmm… I uhmm…yes I know Clara,” she stuttered, her words mixing together.

“Then what are you dating him for” I countered, “His is married after all.”

“Clara Lynn Henderson, that is enough,” my father cut in.

My attention directed towards my dad. “I just don’t understand, what about mom?”

            My father ran his unused hand through his hair, and let out a breath.

“Clara, I don’t really know how to go about saying this” he whispered, “but you’ve probably noticed your mom hasn’t been here the last two days.”

I looked at him confused, “well yeah, but she does that a whole bunch, it isn’t anything different this time.”

“It is though Clara, your mom left a goodbye note and divorce papers this time.” My dad looked uncomfortable, “she isn’t coming back honey.”

            My throat felt scratchy, and the room became uncomfortably warm. My mom had abandoned us. I knew my dad wouldn’t lie about that. She was gone. I would never see her again.

            My dad had Olivia now.

            My brother was in jail.

            My mom left us.

            I, Clara Henderson for the first time felt completely alone in this world. I had no one.

“Clara honey” my dad tried to sympathize.

            I couldn’t trust myself to speak. My body wouldn’t be able to remain in control of my emotions if I dared to say anything. I shook my head violently, and headed for the door. I needed fresh air.

            After crossing the threshold of our front door, I slipped my hand around the handle to close it. Olivia stood staring at me, her eyes filled with compassion. I gave her a small smile as if to say it was nice meeting you at the last moment before closing the door.

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