The collision

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Relationships...The only relationships I knew were based on math, Y=5x or x= y4/12. I'm what people would call a nerd, with my mind fixated on numbers and equations instead of alcohol and boys. Oh don't get me wrong I still think about boys of course but it just never works out. I get so awkward and completely clam up around my crushes that nothing ever comes of it. It doesn't help that I'm blind either, I mean who wants to get with a blind girl anyway? I'm a 20-year-old blind girl who has never been kissed for godsakes, I'm destined to live alone! Well maybe not completely alone, my best friend Georgia should stick around, that is if I don't kill her first. While I love her to bits she is so annoying, always dragging me to places I don't want to be. Which brings me to now.

For a bit of background, Georgia is obsessed with Harry Styles. Like fully obsessed to the point where she knows all those irrelevant facts about him like the time he ate a whole bowl of peas for Christmas. Georgia has been begging me to go to his concert with her ever since it was announced that he was coming to Melbourne. Me, like the good friend I am agreed if only to shut her up. I mean I'm not the biggest Harry fan but I thought why not you know? Why we thought it would be a friendly place for a blind teenage girl is beyond me, because it is definitely not. The concert itself was fine, well as fine as it could possibly be when you're surround by hundreds of people, none of whom know that you're blind, but getting out was the hard bit. Somehow I lost Georgia, which you know wouldn't be a problem if I could see, so now I am stranded with no clue where I am and no hope of finding out anytime soon. Of course, this would happen to me! Just when I think I have a shot at living a normal life stuff like this happens.

My hands start to sweat and my I struggle to breathe. How in the world am I going to get out of here! My only option is to continue walking and hope to god that someone takes pity on me and helps me out of the building. I don't know if I can do that though. I rack my brain for any other possibilities but I come up blank. I don't have a choice anymore, either I die alone in this building or I start walking. So I start walking, placing one foot in front of the other, my stick out in front of me in an attempt to stop me from walking into anyone. An attempt which is obviously futile as I collide with someone and am knocked to the ground.

"Oh my god I am so sorry are you alright," a deep British voice asks me. I recognise that voice but I can't quite place where from. Who do I know that's British? The only person I can think of is Mitch. Why is Mitch at a Harry Styles concert? That doesn't make any sense!

"Yeah I'm fine Mitch, what are you doing here?" I ask as I feel out for his face like I always do with people I'm familiar with. It started when I was younger when I still struggled to identify people based on their voice alone and has been a habit ever since. As I run my hands across his face I quickly realise my mistake. The man's facial structure instantly told me that it was not Mitchs. His high cheekbones and angular jawline left me knees feeling shaky and his perfectly shaped nose and sized forehead proved his face was incredibly handsome. I feel my face heating up and even though I cannot see myself I know that I've turned bright red

"Umm I don't know who Mitch is but if you could please get your hands off my face that would be nice," He says and I can tell he's trying to be nice about it even though I must be creeping him out. I snatch my hands off his face so fast I'm sure it defies records of human speeds.

"Oh god I am so so sorry, I can't believe I just did that! I thought you were someone else!"

"Yeah, I picked up on that."

"That's so embarrassing I promise I wasn't trying the be creepy or anything I just... it's... um," surely he knows that I'm blind by now so I should just tell him right? It's really the only way I can explain my behaviour so it would almost be weird if I didn't tell him. He might even be able to help me get out of here and find Georgia. "It's just that I'm blind and feeling peoples faces is something I've always done to help me."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2020 ⏰

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