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Chapter 1:


Kim Seokjin

Piles of paperwork, documents that needed to get signed, and a boss that is lazy as fuck is giving me all the stress in this world! He has done not a single job since I became his assistant. He always goes around with that Omega Jimin guy and god knows what they do inside that office of his.

"I. AM. FUCKING. TIRED." I mumbled as I review the documents in my hand. This is supposed to be Mr. Jeon Jungkook's job but the asshole is busy and is probably fucking Park Jimin.

I heard that Jimin is already engaged to a famous doctor but here he is, spreading his legs to this horny and insufferable Alpha. I don't know how those two clicked or what the hell happened and they are dating in secret. Are they mates? Why not just tell the world if they love each other? Why hide? Sometimes, humans amaze me. Things could be done easily if they don't lie, admit to themselves that they are weak and in love, but here they are, making their lives miserable because of the lies they are making.

Just like what Dad always tells me, a relationship that started with lies will never end well.

"Are you Kim Seokjin?" I heard a male voice accompanied by a sweet peachy scent called me. I lifted my head up and saw Park Jimin in front of my desk. I don't like his vibe. He looks like a bitch with his blonde hair and always daring clothes that make all men look at him and the girls envy his beautiful body. Indeed, Jimin is so attractive and so beautiful but I don't feel comfortable around him. Just by the sight of him makes my Omega growl inside me.

From where I am sitting I can see hickeys on his neck. He didn't even try to hide or at least cover it to look more decent. I rolled my eyes at him internally.

I sighed and nodded my head when he raised a brow waiting for my answer. "Yes. Why?"

"JK is looking for you. Go to his office." He said arrogantly. I forced a smile and walked towards my boss's office as Jimin followed behind.

As per usual, Mr. Jeon gave me lots of tasks because he's going out with Jimin for lunch. I wanted to slam his table and yell at him for giving me much work that I can't even eat my lunch but I shut up my mouth or else I will lose my job and I can't afford that especially with my father's condition. Money is really needed and this job is paying me well to meet the needs and a little bit more than that.

"Don't go home unless you finish all these." He said and threw another folder at the table. I widened my eyes. No! Not tonight!

"Mr. Jeon, can I just go to work early tomorrow? I can't stay late tonight. I have important things to do later." I said hoping that he will change his mind.

"And what is it?" He asked. I can feel that he's irritated at me. I bit my lower lip.

"It's personal matters, Mr. Jeon. I can't discuss it with you." I said.

I saw Mr. Jeon clenched his jaws and pinched the bridge of his nose. My, he's angry! I almost fidgeted at my place. I held my hands together.

"Finish your job, Omega. I hired you and I'm paying you enough." He said with finality in his voice. "I want to see you working here until you finish all of that. I will fire you if you failed to do what I asked of you."

I gulped down and nodded my head. I bowed and went out of his office. I guess I'll just call my father later. He will understand. Though I feel bad because I promised him that I will visit him later but my job is important. If I lose this, I'll lose my father too.

I ended up working late at night. Our shift ends at 5 pm, it's already 8 pm and I'm still here finishing a lot of reports and reviewing files. My heart is still heavy but I kept chanting to myself that my father needs me and I can do it.

I grabbed my phone and texted my father's nurse to check on him. He said that he's fine and Dad is looking for me. I smiled bitterly. I replied to him saying thanks and to tell my Dad that I will see him soonest.

Since my mother died when I was born, it has always been me and Dad that lived together through thick and thin. He's been my best man, my role model, and the one who worked hard to take me where I am now. I was 22 when he suffered from a heart attack. I was trembling when I took him to the hospital. I remembered wearing different pairs of shoes that day because I am panicking. Good thing I took him there just in time and he managed to get out alive but the catch is, half of his body is paralyzed. Now, he stays at the hospital because I can't take care of him. If I do, we will die of starvation because I can't go to work.

I smiled at myself. "Okay, Seokjin. Get to work. Appa needs you."

I continue to press my keyboard renewed energy washed through me. Overtime means more pay. Extra income for my Dad.


The next morning I was able to give Mr. Jeon the files he needed but this morning seemed to be different. I was lacking sleep but my eyes didn't fail to notice the dark circles around his eyes and he seemed to be ... wasted? I don't know, I can smell a faint scent of alcohol. I guess he's drunk.

"Here Mr. Jeon, you only need to sign this paper and we're good to go."

"Join me." He suddenly said.

"Excuse me?"

"Join me." He said with much finality. I arched my brow at him. What the hell is this man talking about?

"To where Sir?"


I was surprised at the sudden invitation. Mr. Jeon never, not once at all, invited me to lunch or any other occasions. He is strictly business and business alone.

"What shall I do, Mr. Jeon? What is the lunch about?" I asked. I am trying to recall if there is any business over lunch that I missed or what.

"Pose as my boyfriend, Seokjin."

I choked.

"Excuse me?"

"Pose as my boyfriend."

I tried to slap myself three times to make sure that this is real. I might be imagining things due to lack of sleep since I haven't got any since last night.

Then, he handed me a contract.

"Sign that. You'll get paid double during the duration of our act." He even eyed me from head to toe. I became conscious under his gaze. "You look kinda attractive. You'll do."

I blinked. All I wanted is to sleep and now this!?

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