Sweetheart ❤️😘❤️😘

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Y/N💖💝😘: Hey sweets.

Demi lovato 🎤😷🔥: What is going on with her.

Ca- milk 🤓🍌🍶: Hey I actually kind of like her like that.

Y/N💖💝😘: Most people do.

Beyonce 🐝: I have never seen anyone act so nice like her.

Selena 👄💋: Just wait 8 hours she will start complaining about how bad her day was.

Y/N💖💝😘: No I don't.

Ca- milk🤓🍌🍶: You kind of do.

Lauren💚💚💚: Don't start with her Camila we might hear about it all week. She tends to complain to me.

Y/N💖💝😘: I tend to call Lauren whenever I have a problem with someone or something.

Lauren 💚💚💚: Yeah I enjoy it though.

Ca- milk 🤓🍌🍶: I am sure you do Lauren.

Lauren 💚💚💚: Do you have a problem with me calling her.

Ca- milk 🤓🍌🍶: No Lauren I have already told you that many times.

To be continued....................

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