All Together

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Indiana: You guys can go, but I actually want to talk to Blake for a second.

Everyone except Indiana and Blake go inside

Blake: What's up?
Indiana: Do you like me?
Blake: What do you mean?
Indiana: Do you like me more than a friend?
Blake: What do you think?
Indiana: It's just a simple question, yes o-

Blake kisses Indiana and Indiana kisses back

Indiana: I guess that means yes.
Blake: It certainly does.

Indiana and Blake go inside

Indiana: What did we miss?
Addison: Depends, what did we miss?

Indiana and Blake hold hands

Mads: That's the cutest thing ever.

Later that night (they're having a movie night)

*the boys knock on the door*
The girls: Come in!
Bryce: Can I actually take Addison somewhere tonight?
Indiana: It's up to her.
Addison: Sure.

Bryce and Addison go to a beach

Addison: What are we doing here?
Bryce: I just thought we could take a walk on the beach.
Addison: Anything else?
Bryce: Addison, I really like you, and I know you wanted to wait, and I understand why, bu-

Addison kisses Bryce

Addison: That was the only way to make you shut up.

Addison and Bryce kiss, then they go back to the dorm room

Mads: That was quick.
Addison: We might be together.
Indiana: Welcome to the club.
Blake: Ya, congrats.
Bryce: Thanks.
Addison: We all finally got our happy endings, or at least for now.
Jaden: Hopefully forever.

The end

Sorry it took so long for me to update. This is the end! Tell me your thoughts ❤️❤️❤️

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