Hello, Sam Winchester

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"Hey Dean I'm back."

" Heey Sammy !" Please stop calling me Sammy...

" Ready to study some more ?"
" Ah, sure lemme just get some stuff out."

God I was hoping Dean got over 'helping me study' . I love my brother , but honestly he goes too easy on me with the questions. I guess to help my self esteem or some crap like that . I just wish he'd challenge me more ya know ?

"You ready for some studying Sammy ?"

"Yeah more than ready, but can we take a rain check on that Dean ? I have to go look at dorm room applications."

" What's wrong with the apartment ?" " Nothing, I just want the full college experience ya know ? Also so I can get to class quicker."

"Alright Sammy , I might as well go with you , I wanna check out that sandwich shop."

" Okay, off we go then."

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