Getting Ready(diary)

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I smiled as I read the letter Biana wrote to me. I was exited and nervous. A sleepover with with her closet friends. But the boys. They would be there as well. More importantly Fitz would be there. And Keefe. Maybe tonight would be the night I finally decide which one I want. At the moment she couldnt decide which one I liked. Fitz was handsome and nice and Keefe was cute and funny. I put on a simple red tunic and slipped on some grey leggings. Then I put a grey tunic and black leggings into my pack. I was ready!

         -Sophie Foster

"A party?" I said out loud.
Maybe Sophie will be there. It would be a lit party. No sleepover. And Sophie would be there. Heat rushed to my cheeks at the thought of it. He quickly threw on some clothes and packed up.

           -Keefe Sencen

I jumped out from my bed in a rush of exitment.
"Tam," I called. "We were invited to a sleepover!"
"Oh wow I'll throw on my clown pants and let's get going." Tam snapped sarcastically.
"Oh yay!" I cried pulling him to his room.
"I was..."
"Being sarcastic. Yes I know. But your going."
"Fine." Tam grunted.
I watched him pack. Then I packed up my stuff grabbed my murcat in it's bowl.

       -Linh Song

Evetything was ready. Perfect. I was so exited. Now the guests just needed to arrive.


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