We Must Go To The Fates

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It had been a week since the big fight, and although it was awkward, the army continued.

Over the week, it had been many hours of 'how are we supposed to return the memories?'

So far, no answer.

Percy sat on the couch next to Thalia, both brainstorming ideas. "Who made the potion you gave to me?"

"The fates, but they never help anyone. They stay nuterel,"

Luke walked in, "maybe we should at least try,"

"Luke's right, we don't have any other ideas. We just need a good pitch,"

"Well then," they heard an overly dramatic voice behind them, and turned around to see Ethan, "it's a good thing I'm a demigod lawyer,"

"Is that even a thing?" Thalia asked.

"Well it is now. All we need is a reason they would like,"

"Well what does the fates enjoy most of all?" Thalia asked.

"Pain," luke answered.

"Torture," Percy added.

"Yarn," Ethan finished, protesting once he saw the looks his friends were giving him, "what? They do!"

"Sure. Well, is there one thing that combines those two?"

"Death," Bianca piped up. She had been sitting in the corner, and was so quiet no one realized she was there.

"Well if they send us in challenges, there's a chance at death," like offered.

"I like what your thinking. Ethan, make that sound professional, we'll be off tomorrow at three,"

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