Girls Night

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Why did she let Izzy talk her into going out to pandemonium?
Dancing and staying up all night wasn't her thing. She'd much rather be back at the institute, curled up with her boyfriend, making him watch Monte Carlo again.
It was her favorite movie.
But for some reason she'd been talked into coming tonight. Something about not spending enough time with her. So she caved for one girls night out.
The night was going well. They had danced and talked girl talk.
Until they started getting hit on. Izzy seemed to be enjoying the attention. The guys wouldn't light up when she told them she had a boyfriend. Her small clutch was filled with numbers. She was polite and took their napkin filled number. Her gum stuck to a few of them.
When a waitress walked by with free samples she took one. It looked like candy.
And tasted like jolly ranchers. They did sell food and dessert here. So she figured it was some sort of new promo.
She'd had a couple and was feeling a bit weird.
Was it food poisoning?
She'd told Izzy and they decided to go back to the institute. Izzy did tease her about it. Which she didn't really understand why?
It was well passed midnight when she stumbled into the room.
Closing the door quietly. She slipped out of her dress and went to the bed.
It was nice and warm.
She crawled her way into Jace.
"Hey. Are you back already? How was girls night?"
"Mmm. Good. I missed you."
She kissed him once before laying on his chest.
"Babe? You taste like candy."
"I had these colored gummy things."
He switched the lamp on and looked at her.
Her lips were a mix of colors.
Blue, purple, pink.
"I think you had Jell-O shots?"
"Maybe. I don't know."
"Clary, did you know those have alcohol in them?"
"Nope. But it tasted so good!" She patted his chest.
"I'm gonna get you some water."
He got up and got her a bottled water and aspirin.
"Here take this."
She took it and went back to sleep.
"Thanks , babe. You're the best boyfriend ever! I wouldn't trade you for any other guy!"
He held her while she slept.
The next morning her head was pounding.
It was way too bright in the morning.
A familiar aroma awoke her.
"Good morning! I got you some coffee."
He handed her a cup of black coffee.
"You're an angel whom I do not deserve!"
She sipped her coffee and let it warm her.
"So girls night?"
"Ah. You're sister enjoyed it more than I did."
"Yeah, why?"
"You're phone was going off and I figured it was your mom or Luke calling."
"It wasn't?"
"No. Someone named Ryan. Said he gave you his number last night?"
"He won't be calling again."
"What did you tell him?"
"Something along the lines of you having a boyfriend who is extremely protective and is skilled in using swords and is excellent at hiding bodies. "
"Ah, I see. So what's for breakfast!?"
She asked trying to change the subject.
They'd ended up showering and getting dressed to go have brunch at the fairy cafe with Izzy. Who definitely got an ear full from him about letting Clary take shots without her knowing. Girls night was going to be put off for a while...

Girls Night Mischief Where stories live. Discover now