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By miramelody99.

Dark Side

I walked along the aisle like crawling down the crevasse of darkness. I repeat, the crevasse of darkness. Why I repeated it depends on your perspective. I didn't know where to go so I continued to explore the unknown location. At this point, I could see 3 humans having a picnic.

"Hey drunkards, don't you have a better job to do? Like buying a deodorant or taking a shower?" I advised.

"Hey lady, how about you come and strip? HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Drunkard 1 invited.

"No thanks, I'd rather shoot your heads off." I warned. As I stepped forward, drunkard 1 grabbed my left arm that forced my body to freeze.

"Not so fast baby, not until you strip." He smiled.

I immediately punched his face using my other arm which I think cracked his nose. He did not let go of my arm though, only held it tighter.

"Miss, you've got an amazing power and I like it." Drunkard 1 complimented. "Yeah, don't go away yet!" Drunkard 2 stood up. Drunkard 3 doesn't seemed drunk so I'll call him 'stranger'. Stranger also stood up. Then he came towards me and grabbed my waist to himself.

"She's mine," he stated. Soon, he let go of me and faced the drunkards. The drunkards got scared and vanished. It was like they knew he was tough and were about to kill them. I was facing his back, so I couldn't see his expression.

"Th-thanks for saving me," I appreciated.

"You shouldn't be here." As he jumped on the dumpster and climbed out the wall.

"But WAIT!" I yelled.

You haven't told me your name.

And I'm lost! Meanie. *Sigh*

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