4 times +1

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First Time


That was the first thing that the staff members heard from the JUMP members after the concert. All the members were actually happy because of the support from the fans but that doesn’t mean they can regain their 100% energy back in an instance.

In the corner Yabu was still talking to a staff member about the performance. He let out another sigh after the conversation ended. He didn’t have energy anymore and he needed to refresh. He was out of Kei Power. He looked around from left to right and spotted his beautiful boyfriend resting on one of the chairs that the staff had provided.

Yabu walked softly towards the pretty boy, wanting to give him a surprise hug. He chuckled softly to himself at imagining his boyfriend’s surprised face. He slowly stretched out his arms and began to envelope the younger man.

“Refreshments everyone! There’s food on the table!” someone shouted.

“Food!?!” Kei immediately stood up after hearing that word being called out. He quickly scurried off towards the table.

Too bad for Yabu he grabbed for Kei but was only met with air causing him to move forward and accidentally hit the chair while causing it and himself to fall on the ground.

“Yabu-san are you okay?” some of the staffs started surrounding him.

“I’m okay, don’t worry it’s my fault for being clumsy” Yabu says as he looked tiredly towards Kei who was stuffing his mouth with food.


Second Time

Inoo is hungry as in really really HUNGRY. He clutched his hand on his shirt near his stomach as he can clearly hear it grumbling from hunger. He had skipped breakfast and he wasn’t able to eat his Lunch and it was almost Dinner time.

Being an idol is tough because he woke up late in the morning and he had to go to school. He missed out lunch because he was too busy working on his assignments and projects for his afternoon classes. And now he hurriedly went home.

“Tadaima!” he shouted as he went inside his house. He immediately darted towards the fridge.

“Okaeri” his mom greeted him. “Eh? Where’s Kota-kun?”

Kei looked towards his mom with food stuffed in his mouth. He munched it down and quickly gulped down some water.

“Yabaii! I forgot that Ko will fetch me!” he panicked.

*brrr* *brrr* *brrr*

His phone vibrated signaling a message, he took it and read the message.

‘Kei where are you? I’m still waiting here at your school’

Inoo immediately replied.

‘Gomen Ko, I’m already here at home eating dinner’

Yabu let out a sigh. It was the second time that week that Kei had left him for food.

Third Time

Yabu was outside the Jimusho building waiting for his boyfriend. Anyone who passed by him could see that he had a huge grin on his face. He was really excited for his date with Inoo.

He had everything planned out already. First, he and Inoo will walk towards the park and then they’ll go to the new café that Takaki had taken Daiki to. Second, he’ll take Kei to an amusement park where they’ll ride the ferris wheel since he knows Inoo hates riding the rollercoaster. And lastly, he’ll surprise Kei by taking him to the restaurant he had always wanted to go.

4 times Kei choose Food over Yabu and 1 time he chose BothWhere stories live. Discover now