Chapter one

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Love. It is one simple word yet it brings out happiness and sadness to each different person. Whatever emotion it provokes in us, it is something that needs to be cherished forever.

Wedding. It is every girl's dream to have one of the best weddings in their life by choosing their partner of choice to be bounded forever. However, there are times when a seed of doubt is planted inside the girl's mind and heart about whether to get married or not if their partner happens to be someone who keeps cheating on her and apologizes to her when caught or finds out the truth. Maybe the reason is that the girl is weak and has low self-esteem issues that is what Penny is feeling inside as she is dressed by her two friends Amy and Bernadette who are acting as both maids of honor and bridesmaids.  Is she making a mistake of her entire life or is she really pretending to be happy while feeling dead inside without a single joy? That is what Penny thought while Amy was busy fixing her veil.

At that moment, the door of her apartment knocked three times with each of their names being called out. Amy and Bernadette looked at each other contemplating whether it is a wise idea to open the door while Penny is in her wedding dress seeing that it is a bad idea to see the bride before the wedding but one look from Penny made them help their choice. Amy went towards the door and opened the door, outside stood Sheldon her close friend, her neighbor across the hall, and Leonard's best friend for the wedding. He looked awkward in a suit but he made it look good as the times he wore a suit for awards functions yet made an embarrassment of himself. 

He came inside and looked at her in a wedding dress which took his breath away. He cannot explain it all in his words because it is complex and difficult to express what is he feeling both inside and outside, while they both were busy looking at each other they didn't realize both Amy and Bernadette has gone out and is now in Leonard and his room alongside with the rest of their friends doing a final check-up on wedding details so that way nothing would go wrong. At that moment, she burst into tears because she does not want to marry Leonard otherwise she would be living a life for her whole life. Why she cannot marry him who has accepted her and yet cheated many times the main reason is that she is in love with his best friend Sheldon. Sheldon who is different from other men she had dated in her entire life but cared for her in his own unique way and somewhere along the lines of friendship, it blurred and came out as pure love. She isn't sure that he loves her the same way but seeing him look at her the same way she looked at him made her weak in knees and dropped to the floor and started crying because why this is supposed to hurt instead of making her happy that he feels the same way.

"There, there". said Sheldon as he also sat down next to Penny as he tried to calm her before someone else bursts into the room and misunderstands the context of what was happening. "No, Sheldon. You cannot tell me to calm me down. I do not want to marry Leonard, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." "As I feel the same way. But, I don't think its a wise idea." Penny understood the meaning behind it, he didn't have to explain the entire thing because if she called off the wedding and eloped with him, then Leonard will create an issue and there will be drifts happening in their friendship group so she and he did not that to happen despite the fact they loved each other and how it created a wound that will never heal any time soon. "Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur! Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr!" Sheldon started singing softly as Penny rests her head on his shoulder, she laughed and said, " I thought Soft Kitty is for when you are sick." "Heartache and heartbreak is a sickness that has no cure," replied Sheldon as he stared to her eyes.

The door knocked indicating it is time for the wedding so she and he quickly stood up and got rid of the evidence that they both had been crying and trying not to show any negative emotions that they feel regarding the wedding. Sheldon opened the door and in came Amy and Bernadette who told them it is time for Sheldon to head out first as his duty as the best man and Penny and the rest of the girls will come later when the wedding march is being played. Soon, they all headed up to the roof where the wedding is being conducted. Penny looked at Leonard secretly and thought he looked happy and pleased with himself. The wedding march song started, Bernadette headed out first along with Howard who is their groomsman of Leonard while Raj is the one officiating the wedding for them. 'Well, bestie this is it. Are you ready to spend the rest of your life with Leonard.'? asked Amy before she headed out. Penny took a deep breath and gave her a fake smile which can be seen by anyone if they looked closely and replied "Let's go." She isn't going to leave him in the alter as much as she is tempted but she is willing to marry him because she and Sheldon are the ones who know what is inside her heart. There is a tiny ember of hope that one day she and Sheldon will get their happily one day but today is not the day instead it is the day of heartache. But, don't worry the story hasn't started yet but it is the beginning yet.

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