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     THE POGUES GLANCE over the side of the boat upon hearing Pope say, "Guys, I think there's a boat down there." They, of course, didn't believe him at first but after the four of them peer down into the waters, they spot a boat.

     "Let's go," Brooklyn prompts. It's not everyday you see a boat sunken under the water.

     The five of them begin to strip down to their swimsuits before diving into the water, one after the other, to explore the wreckage underwater.

     Brooklyn remembers when she was a child and how she would sometimes run out to the marsh, jump into the water and throw herself underneath. She was once terrified of the water. Once terrified that she would drown and have the water take her away where she'd never be found. From a young age, when she found herself to be losing all hope, she would bury her head under the water and let all her worries wash away with her in the water. Her brother was always there to pull her back up, afraid she would actually drown if he assist. However, now she isn't so afraid of drowning, isn't so afraid of losing herself to the waves, and isn't so afraid of letting herself go.

     She gently touches the boat, her fingers tracing over the metal railing as she swims around, her eyes stinging as she observes the beauty of the boat. After circling a few times she begins to bring herself back up for air. She places her foot on the boat and kicks herself upwards, swimming back to safety.

     "Did you guys see that?"

     "Yeah. Holy shit." Brooklyn splutters.

     After coughing and spluttering to get air back into their lungs, they begin to erupt into a pitiful of laughter while kicking their way back to their own boat that is safely above the water.

     "That's a Grady-White. A new one of those is like five hundred Gs, easy." JJ swims back, his hand stretched outwards to take Brooklyn's. Brooklyn snatches his hand, uses the little strength she has and helps him pull himself safely onto the boat.

     He tumbles slightly when he stands on his feet, nearly falling into Brooklyn but all he does is smile and shake her hand to thank her.

     "Yeah. That's the boat I saw when I surfed the surge. Maybe it hit the jetty or something," John B says, and Brooklyn's attention is snatched from JJ to her idiotic brother.

     If John B is allowed to be worried about her constantly, Brooklyn is allowed to be worried about him just as much. He's irrational at times, often doing crazy, adventurous that would get any sane person killed. She's allowed to be concerned when he decides to throw himself head first into a wilding storm. 

     As well as Brooklyn, Kiara looks just as concerned. "You surfed the surge?" Kiara asks.

     "That's my boy. Pogue style," JJ laughs, his hand meeting John B's for a high five. Brooklyn scrunches her face up, confused as to why he should be applauded for his silly behaviour when he could've ended up dead in the water along with this boat.

     "Wait, wait. Do we know whose boat that is?" Pope asks, looking back down at the water.

     John B steps past his friends to the hold. He bends down and opens up the hold of the boat to pull out an anchor which only means one thing... He wants to go down there and check it out further. "No, but we're about to find out," John B says, holding the anchor close to his chest.

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