Stay • Ninjago

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A/N: Lukas is an OC that I created. He's the son of Sensei Wu.

Darkness swallowed the dark hallway like a blanket. The only source of light coming from the moon threading through the curtains.
Lukas tightened his grip on his sword, as if it'll slip away from his grasp. Kai stood behind him teary eyed.
"Lukas. For the love of god, please stay." He said, his voice getting shakier with every word he said. Lukas turned to face him. He gave the shorter male a weak smile.
"You know I can't." He said weakly, approaching Kai.
"Yes you can! Stay! Please!" Kai exclaimed, eyes widening in disbelief. "You know you can." he said softly, holding on to Lukas. Terrified he'll disappear from his grasp.
Their foreheads touched. Kai threaded both his hands into Lukas's blond hair. Lukas dropped his sword, placing his hands around Kai's neck.
The two shared a tender moment, most possibly their last. The moment was broken by Lukas pulling back. The two looked into each other's eyes. Lukas gave Kai a gentle kiss. It was rushed.
"I want to stay Kai. I really do but-"
"Than stay. Or.." Kai stopped, going over what he was gonna say next.
"Or?" Lukas questioned.
"I go with you." Kai said smiling, hoping for Lukas to returned it. Instead he snapped at him.
"Absolutely not." Lukas said, picking up his sword. The bag on his back kept reminding him he needed to leave. He looked at Kai.
"I can't risk anyone getting hurt. Especially you." He said, mumbling the last part before turning towards the door. Kai swiftly got between him and the door before he could open it.

"So that's it. Huh. You're gonna go and stop that magic hungry bitch yourself. Did you even stop to think how I'd feel about you leaving like this?" Kai said to him, the tone in his voice was serious.
"How you'd feel?" Lukas said.
"Yes! How I'd feel!" Kai exclaimed, mad. "I love you okay! And I can't stand to see you sacrifice yourself like that when we can find a way to find a solution together. A solution where no one gets hurt. One where you stay with me and we live our lives together. Don't you want that, Lukas?" He confessed, looking deep into his eyes. As if he's piercing through his soul.
Lukas felt a huge burden as he listened to Kai's confession. It wasn't the fact that he said he loved him but the fact he said he wanted to live the rest of their life together. Lukas didn't understand why Kai loved him so much but he'll never question it because as much as Lukas wanted to deny it, he wanted it very much.

A peaceful life with Kai. He wanted to hold him when he has a bad day. Hug him tightly when they sleep. Share moments with him.

When Kai didn't get an answer, he knew he finally struck a nerve to get him to stay.
"Come back to sleep, my love. We'll talk about it in the morning" He whispered. Lukas modded slowly. That was all Kai needed to slowly guide him towards his room so they could get some much needed rest.
Kai took the sword and bag from Lukas and placed it on the ground.
Lukas shrugged of his jacket and changed into a comfier pair of pants.

The two got into bed, Kai pulled the duvet over them. Lukas pulled Kai into a hug, not wanting to let him go. He fell deep in to sleep.

No nightmares.
No fears.
Just him and Kai.

He never had the most peaceful rest in his life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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