Chapter 5

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Chapter Song: Flying High by Jem


He lay in bed thinking of her. Normally at this time he would have shut his lamp off and rolled over to save himself the anguish of thinking of her and simply let dreams take over. Today was different. He'd already given in to thoughts of her, in broad daylight and in front of others no less. He couldn't stop thinking about the weight of her in his arms. How even though he was terrified for her safety, he couldn't help but feel like she felt right there in his embrace. Her delicate rose scent assaulted his nose when he leaned close to check her vitals, her long dark lashes resting on her plump cheeks. She was the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen.


If only he'd met her under different circumstances. If only she weren't royal, or he was . If only he didn't have an obligation to complete...

His phone buzzed with a text then and his heart jumped thinking it might be from her, but reality quickly set in.


You have one week to come up with a plausible explanation. After that the contract is terminated.

Anxiety tasted sharp on his tongue. He wasn't used to disappointing authority figures.

He entered the military after his mother died of cancer when he was 17. She had been the guiding light of his life up until her light went out. He'd felt lost, but the structure of the army helped him find a new focus. He needed to have a mission in life, a set of rules to live by. He'd never strayed from his path, never even considered it until her . For two years he'd felt torn between his head and his heart.

It was true that he didn't really know what love was. He'd loved his mother, never knew his father, but felt a love for him regardless. This wasn't like that. He'd had stirrings of physical attraction before, however fleeting, but he'd never experienced a physical and emotional connection. He still hadn't really, since he refused to let himself go there with her. But he was a red blooded man with eyes and she was a gorgeous young woman with an equally gorgeous figure.

His body was tired, his eyes burned, but it was impossible to fall asleep with a lack of blood flow to the brain. A series of sensations washed over him: the softness of her hair, the roundness of her bottom, the sparkle of her eyes, the warmth of her smile. Her happiness, so rarely seen, was like a drug to him. A small part of him deep down inside was screaming to spend the rest of his life making her happy.

He pushed it down and pulled up the covers.

He screwed his eyes shut and thought of some of the worst things he'd experienced, but literal war stories didn't make for good bedtime stories.

After a while he drifted, he was asleep, or nearly there.

She returned again to his mind, but this time he was safe beneath the veil of sleep.

She was cautious and shy and modestly dressed. More realistic than some of his (more frequent) salacious dreams, she peered around the door after quietly opening it and looked a little shocked when she saw him. She then silently closed the door behind her and softly padded over to the bed. She looked apprehensive before delicately sitting on the edge of the bed near his hip.

Her presence made his heart soar. He didn't look forward to the inevitable dive when he awoke and found it was all a dream. But for now he would enjoy the sight of her. She was so real to him he could even smell her signature rose scent, tinged with the lingering smell of soap and toothpaste. She was clean, and cozy, and warm . All ready for bed. But she was here in his room, not hers. He was about to ask her why when she spoke.

"I just wanted to....I wanted to thank you, for what you did today."

His mouth was so dry he couldn't speak.

"I'm feeling much better now. We just have to watch for signs of concussion. Melike was supposed to wake me every hour and ask me questions, but she fell asleep."

Her smile sparked one in him and the corner of his mouth lifted without his permission.

Her eyes glittered with happiness and maybe a bit of mischief. It made her look even more beautiful.

"I wish you could stay..." he whispered dreamily.

Something changed in her then. She became more sombre.


A feeling was building in him. Anticipation? Dread? It made his chest feel heavy and his breath come faster.

"Stay with me."

Fear etched her face. But there was a glimmer in her eyes that told volumes.


"I...I can't-"

It was desperation that made him clasp a large hand around her graceful wrist.

"Stay. Come with me. Run away with me." he clung perilously to the end of his dream.

Her plump lips parted in shock.

Something about her reaction and the tension of her arm pulling away slightly from his grip roused him into full consciousness.

But instead of an empty room and a bittersweet feeling, he was met with her stunned face, eyes searching his, and a feeling of alarm looming over him.

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