0.4 crystal cave

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My cloak still covers my face quite well so I wouldn't be recognized. "Hello Welcome, how may I help you," an elder man said with a huge smile. 'I am doing alright, how are you?" I said responding to the man. "I am doing wonderful what may I get you?" He replied. "I'll just have a jasmine tea please." I nodded. "No problem that will be right up!" He said with a smile as he walked to the back. Did he seem like a jolly old man working with his son? Nephew? Couldn't tell but the boy had no emotion.

He had an awful scar as well- wait for Prince Zuko of the fire nation. It can't be why would he be here? Wait Aang is still here! He must be after him but I can not blow my cover, act cool, breathe in and out- "here's your Jasmine tea" The boy said. "Thank You so much" I put my coins on the table as he grabbed them. Before he could turn away I asked him "Sorry to bother but do you know the city I have never seen you around?" I questioned.

It threw him off guard, he barely had emotion but I could tell he was not prepared for a conversation. "Uhh no just moved in with my uncle and started this tea shop business" he quickly replied. "Lee we have another order," the old man said. "Well have a good day," I said as he walked away, he replied with a small grin. Hmm maybe he isn't Prince Zuko, I mean his uncle called him Lee. The bed said he was also around here but that also could just be a lie. I finished my tea and walked back to the palace. I grabbed my bags and walked over to say goodbye to my parents.

Saying goodbye was probably the hardest thing I have done. I couldn't imagine not having them in my life including Willow, I need to make myself proud. "We are rooting for you Althea," mother said with her hand on my cheek. "I won't let you down. I promise" "Make it back safe dear" Willow said embracing me in a tight hug.

"Everyone is proud of you, us as your family, your kingdom, everyone" my father added. I whipped my tears and took a deep breath. This is a new chapter, I will make it and I will not let anyone or myself down."Hey, you better not forget me" Zihao added laughing. "Oh trust me I think it would be hard to forget about an annoying older brother," I said, giving him a tight hug. "I'll miss you, little sis, make sure no one especially a boy lays a hand on you" he scolded me.''I won't, I will miss you guys but I won't be gone forever" I said backing away.

I picked up my bag and I started to walk out of the palace. As soon as the guards opened the heavy golden doors leading me into the town. And just like that, I started my journey to help the avatar. But first I headed to Toph's house. I snuck through her backyard making it by her window, with a few taps it caught her attention. "Are you ready?" I asked. "Ya can't wait to leave this hell hole," Toph said climbing out the window as I helped her. I felt bad for Toph. She was an only child so all attention was on her. She was also blind so everyone including her parents thought she was completely helpless... oh, little do they know Toph is the most independent person I have met. She's a tough cookie alright.

"You didn't tell your parents did you?" I asked. "Of course not, I feel bad but they would never let me go. It's just best if they don't know." She huffed. Her relationship with family is not the best, her mother always babies her as if she can't do anything and her dad doesn't pay attention half of the time. Toph was used to it but it would get on her nerves from time to time. At least we'll both be starting a new chapter in our life. After walking for about ten minutes we arrived at Aang's "house". "You ready?" I questioned Toph.

"No turning back now." My body was shaking. I could barely even knock on the door. I was so scared. Not of the kids of course but of the adventures we are about to encounter. "You came!" Sokka said, opening the door. "We had a choice?" I giggled. "Just in time Appa is all ready," Aang said with a grin. That boy always had an upbeat and positive look on things. It was refreshing honestly I could get used to this group. "How are you feeling?" Katara asked.

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