1 - The Hell?!?

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"Wh-h-h-at do you mean?" I said confused as my parents stood before me.

I was in a hospital gown on a bed, with tubes attached to my arm leading up to some liquid that was keeping me stable.

"I think I can explain," a raspy, deep country accent announces.

"P-p-lease do."

I'm f*cking loosing my mind.

"Well you see," he coughs and drawls on, "you've been in a coma for the past 9 months. We have been trying to understand the causes of such a long coma after only being hit on the head with a tennis racket. It still baffles us at ho-"

I cut him off , "The f*ck are you talking about?"

They must be playing a sick ass joke on me.

How the hell have I been in a coma for 9 months? Or even at all.

Where's Melanie when you need her, she always tells me the truth.

"After I hit my head, He helped me get an ice pack and that's when we first met. You know this already," I stated everyone looking at me incredulously.

"Sw-w-eetie whose 'He'?" My mother questioned with a lost look on her face.

"Oh 'He's' the love of my life Col-"

I stopped myself that's wrong.

"No I meant Jake? No F*ck!"

What is happening what's my beloveds name?

Why can't I remember?

Why don't my parents remember after all they did love him as well?

"Dad don't you remember he helped you fix your old motorcycle," I pointed out looking at my dad.

Nothing. Blank Face.

"Mum what about you give him guitar lessons on Sundays. Remember?"


Same Blank Expression.

Something's definitely wrong.

For the past almost year I've been with my friends that I finally made from moving to this new town.

Melanie Jellor - My most loyal companion who sticks it to me straight.

Devon Garst - My funny man without fail.

Lade Sojii - The exchange student from Nigeria who was the best dancer I'd ever laid eyes on in my whole life!

And Barney Dante - My half Italian GBF. His sassiness is epic!


What if none of those things ever happened?

What if I've actually been in a coma all this time?

Does that mean He isn't real?

"I can't-can't bre-athe!!!" I struggled to say as my mind was spazzing out 

Before I knew it a dark fog had swept over me and I heard my mother's scream.

A blood-curdling scream that i oddly found comfort in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2015 ⏰

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