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Lilly's pov

Darkness, all I see is darkness. I see darkness except for something that's not. I see something glowing green in the far distance and no matter how far or fast I run, it never gets closer. I hear voices but not words I recognize, it's as if the voices are speaking a different language. I feel the ground move away from under me, but I'm not falling. I'm not floating either. I don't understand what I'm doing, but what I do know is that the green light just got a little closer. I try to look around again, but I just see darkness, the same darkness that falls upon me every night before any dream, the darkness I see when I close my eyes, the same darkness that has fallen on me when I was a baby. I've had many dreams before, but none like this. They've always been colorful and cheerful, full of life. I look at the light confused. I feel myself going up and down in a steady motion. I realized that I was flying, no, not flying, hovering. I feel a burning inside, a burning of like I've never felt before. I feel like I'm on fire! The voices have gotten louder so loud that it now hurts my ears to listen to it. Then it all stops, the voices, the light, the burning, and the hovering. They all stopped and went away as if it never happened at all. A sound starts, but not like the voices, it's one that I can understand, it sounded like a lullaby. The lullaby was calming, nothing like the pain I felt before. I feel the dream slipping away as I start to wake up. What I didn't know was that I wasn't going to wake up in my home, I wasn't going to see any of my family. The person I'm going to meet next, is going to change my life forever, in ways I couldn't even begin to imagine.

{Ok! I've finally gotten around to posting this, Dragon Quest is a story that started when I was younger and I plan to try to make a thing. I hope you guys enjoy this journey with me, it may take a while for parts to come out but please forgive me die to life! I promise to try to find some bonus content in another book connecting to this for you guys. Since I don't want this story to go unfinished!}

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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