Movie Night!

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                                                                        NO POV (still)

Masaru, Jataro and Kotoko were sitting in the pink haired girls room, Masaru and Kotoko were talking while Jataro did Kotoko's hair"Whaddya think Nagisa's up too?" Masaru wondered "Well whatever he's doing, he needs to hurry up! Its horror movie night!" Kotoko responded, "Kotokooo stay still, im trying not to mess up your hair" Jataro whined "oopsies!" Kotoko giggled, "Hey masaru, can you go get nagisa?" "Yup!" Masaru walked out of the room and opened nagisa's door "Nagisaaaaaa" Nagisa turned around and closed his book "What do you want" Nagisa put down his book and turned his attention to Masaru "Kotoko says come to her room!" Masaru leaned on the doorway, Nagisa was confused "Why does she?" He paused and remembered "oh right, movie night" "Well? Hurry up!" Masaru ran up to where nagisa was sitting and grabbed his hand and practically slid down the hallway to Kotoko's

Masaru jumped into Kotoko's room and hopped onto the bed, leaving nagisa in the doorway trying to catch his breath "i got him" Masaru smiled "I noticed" Jataro replied "hurry uuuup nagisa! get over here!" Kotoko called out to nagisa "yeeeahhh hurry upppp we wanna watch the movie" Jataro complained while still doing kotoko's hair "im coming im coming" Nagisa snapped while walking over to the bed and sitting down "aaaand" Jataro put a bow in Kotoko's hair "done, do you like it?" Kotoko looked in her mirror "Thank you Jataro!! Its totally adorbs!!" Kotoko smiled "aaanyways, lets watch the movie!" Kotoko grabbed the remote and put on the movie

Jataro was paying close attention even though he was basically immune to any scary thing happening on screen 

"I see this trope alot, instead of running and actually trying to survive they put themselves in even more danger-" before nagisa could finish his sentence masaru, who wasnt paying attention to the movie, more of what nagisa was saying sat up "Nagisa it isnt that deep its just a movie" "well it bothers me" "would you two quit fighting? We're trying to watch the movie!" Kotoko complained while Jataro continued eating his food "hehe sorry!" Masaru laughed and right as Masaru fell silent and still wasnt barely paying attention and they continued watching the movie 

"Heyyy Jataro! Can i have so-" Kotoko was cut off by the jumpscare that was playing on screen and Masaru screaming extremely loud and clinging onto the closed person next to him, which happened to be Nagisa, "M-Masaru! Get off me!" Nagisa spoke somehow calmly as a light pink blush spread across his face, Masaru was still caught up in the moment and continued clinging onto Nagisa

Kotoko held back giggles while Jataro was still paying close attention to the movie, Masaru finally got back to reality and pushed himself off of Nagisa while laughing and not even acknowledging what just happened 

On the other hand Nagisa was in complete shock "Hey Nagisa your face looks red! are you o-" Kotoko was cut off "Heeey Kotoko, do you still want some marshmellow's?" Oh my god thank you Jataro nagisa thought and sighed in relief 

Eventually all the kids fell asleep, Masaru holding his pillow, Jataro peacefully in the corner and Kotoko at the end of the bed

Nagisa thought, not about anything specific, sometimes Masaru crossed his mind but he tried to push the thoughts back 

Eventually he fell asleep, alot of stuff on his mind

(i'm sorry this was so short ive been busy and i cant write really good but ! they bring me comfort so)

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