Chapter 2

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     "Sir? Sir, are you okay?"

     "They are probably invaders!"

     "Call the ambulance, they may be hurt."

      My vision was blurry, and I couldn't grasp a sense of my surroundings at the time. I could only hear the voices of the people around me. They were unfamiliar to me, which wasn't much of a surprise. Although, what I was most focused on was trying to figure out how I was alive and where I was at the moment. As my vision began to clear up, what laid before me was a new sight.

     It was a large city with tall, grey, and blue skyscrapers scattered around. There were streets with what looked to be golden sidewalks, but it was probably just colored to look that way. Homes were lined along those sidewalks, and every one of them had a beautiful, grassy green lawn. The city had a robotesque to it, kind of like something out of a sci-fi movie. Large overpasses were scattered around the city, too.

     "Who are you, people...?" I asked, cautiously. "That's what we should be asking you!" a woman replied.

    "Where am I? Why am I here?" I questioned.

     "You're in Izhoburn, the largest city in the region. You fell out of the sky."

     The voice that I heard behind me sounded mechanical, but still human somehow. I looked behind me to see a robot girl standing there. She had pink, slightly glowing eyes, and silver hair to match her metallic skin. She was wearing some type of yellow uniform that made me uneasy.

     "Nothing to see here, folks," she said, "Just run along. I will handle the intruders."

    As the group of citizens departed, I stood up in front of her. "Hey, I'm not an intruder! If anything, I'm just someone who's lost! I have no idea ho--" "Save that for the Highlord to decide," she said, putting my hands in what looked like handcuffs. After she cuffed me, another robot came over to monitor me, then she kneeled and cuffed Saca. "Veritan, pick up this one," she said. The second robot responded with a quick nod and picked up the unconscious Saca.

     "Let me go! You've got it all wrong! I told you, lady, I'm not an intru--" She snapped her eye towards me then pinched my nose and leaned closer, raising her voice. "You refer to me as H.G. Nuvirisse. Got it? I will not listen to your puny discussions. I am here for one thing and one thing only: to bring you to our Highlord to decide your punishment for invading our region. So keep your mouth shut!" She pulled her hand down quickly, which scratched my nose. After all that, I didn't feel like talking back anymore, so I quickly accepted that I was under arrest.

     Despite the long walk, we had soon arrived at the place where the "Highlord" would be. It looked to be an area for monitoring different rooms, but the monitors showed the streets and buildings. In front of the monitors was an enormous office chair that I assumed was occupied. "Sir, I have collected the intruders for you, as asked."

     A deep, rubbery voice shot out immediately after Nuvirisse's. "Ah, good work. Come here, dear." The chair spun around to reveal a very large black figure, despite the room being well-lit. As told, Nuvirisse walked over next to the chair and came to a halt next to him.

     "I am sure my dear, kind, Nuvirisse has told you of my existence, no?" A sizable hand reached out and patted Nuvirisse's head. It seemed to change from a jet black to a deep grey. Around this time, Saca was waking up.

     "Ugh. Where the heck am I?" Saca looked around confused, as expected. Even if Saca wasn't planning to hurt me, I still didn't want to talk to him because of what he did to me. So I didn't say a word. "What are your names? And what brings you here?"

| Alphastone | [IN PROGRESS]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora