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Sophie stepped back in shock, nearly running into a locker.

"You don't remember me?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Dex shook his head. "I'm sorry. I don't even know your name."

He turned when the bell rung and wandered down another hallway. Sophie didn't bother going. It wasn't like human classes, especially ones that she'd already taken, were hard.

Sophie left her locker slightly open and started wandering the empty halls. She found a door to what looked like a courtyard. She pushed it open. 

There was a bench, but it didn't look very comfortable, so Sophie sat on the ground in front of it. She had no idea what to do next. If Dex didn't remember her, the others definitely wouldn't either, and she had no way to let her family know she was safe, or at least not dead. Sophie put her head on her knees.

Suddenly, a door opened. Sophie didn't look up. If it was a teacher and she got detention, that would probably mean it would be easier for her to find Keefe.

A girl's voice spoke. "You're sure we won't get in trouble for ditching?"

"Yeah, we're fine. I've ditched class a million times and never gotten caught."

Sophie's chest tightened. It was Keefe. She stood up and grabbed her bag before she realized what she was doing.

When she saw Keefe holding the girl's hand, her heart broke into even more pieces than it had when Dex hadn't recognized her.

Her and Keefe hadn't technically been dating, but they were pretty close to it. They spent a lot of their time together. Their friends, mostly Marella and Biana, had suspected they were dating since they had started hanging out all the time, even though every time either of them asked Sophie, she denied it.

"What are you doing here?" snapped the girl. 

Sophie didn't respond and just stared very intently at Keefe's shoes, hoping that he would recognize her.

"You're Sophie, right?" asked Keefe.

Sophie nodded, afraid that saying anything would make her tell both of them everything that had happened. She started walking away. 

"I told you she's one of the rudest people ever," said the girl, who obviously didn't realize that Sophie could still hear her.

"Madison, she was your best friend for three years. If you were friends with her for that long, it probably means that she was actually a decent person."

So that was the Madison that kept blowing her off. Of course she would be with Keefe, because the Neverseen just loved to torture Sophie. 

Sophie rubbed her head. She had a terrible headache that wasn't there when she woke up. It was probably from her having to use nearly all of her mental energy to stop her from hearing everyone's thoughts.

At lunch, Sophie saw Dex again. He was sitting alone. She walked over to him and sat down. Dex looked a little bit scared.

"I'm so sorry about earlier. I thought you were someone else."

Dex laughed nervously. "How mant Dexes do you know that look like me?"

"You'd be surprised. I'm Sophie."


They spent the rest of lunch "getting to know" each other. Of course, Sophie already knew some of it, like the fact that he was good with technology, but there were other things that made her want to stand up and shout at Dex for being wrong. He told her that he was an only child, and that he didn't know anyone at the school.

Sophie needed to get her friends together and convince them that they were elves, but first, she had to find all of them.


After lunch, and after the rest of her classes, Sophie forgot to get on the bus. She texted the lady who was supposed to be her mom and said she was meeting some friends at Starbucks. That wasn't technically a lie.

The local Starbucks was a good place to start. Sophie pushed the door open and almost gagged at the very strong scent of coffee. There were groups of people sitting at tables and studying, talking, and doing a mixture of both. She scanned the crowd. It would be so much easier if Sophie could use telepathy to figure out if there were any elves, but the human thoughts would just make her headache worse.

There was a girl with wavy dark brown hair. When Sophie stood facing her, she found Biana, sitting with Madison, the girl who was supposedly Sophie's best friend, and a few others.

Sophie quickly turned away and looked for someone else. She walked to the line to order something so she seemed less suspicious. She ordered a peach tea lemonade. It turned out to be pretty good.

There was a pair of kids sitting at a table, talking and laughing. When the boy turned around for a split second, Sophie saw silver bangs. It was Tam and Linh. Sophie sat down at an empty table and took out a pad of sticky notes and the pencil she had found earlier that day.

Sophie wrote down the names off all her friends and crossed off Tam, Linh, Keefe, Dex, Stina, and Biana. Now she needed to find Wylie, Fitz, and Marella.

Sophie finished her drink before leaving the Starbucks. Where could they be, and how would she convince everyone to believe her. She walked through a small park where people were walking their dogs and little kids were chasing each other around.

Sophie had the perfect idea. She would make a fake club that they were all bound to join. She tried to think of something they all had in common.

They all had blue eyes, but so did a lot of the school. They all were elves, but they didn't know it. They all had names you didn't hear on an everyday basis, but then again, there was a kid in Sophie's history class named Alpines. Sophie sat down on a bench and groaned. Even if she did think of something, she wouldn't be able to get Wylie to join, because he wasn't a student there.

Sophie sighed, again, and watched all the people passing by. Eventually, she decided to leave the park. Her "mom" was probably worried about where she was. 

A/N: hellooooo. I know I started this fic yesterday but I'm updating again haha.

uh there's not much else to say. 

Also go watch either the 100 or Lost because they're both great, and there's one actor that's in both of them and in Lost he has a Scottish accent and in the 100 he doesn't and it throws me off a lot bc I watched Lost first so I'm used to him having an accent. The 100 is on Netflix and Lost is on Hulu (and maybe Amazon Prime? idk tho) oooh also go watch Fringe it's on Prime and it's amazing. ok now I will stop ranting.

Happy reading!

<3 Ivy

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