Chapter Two: Meeting

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Scarlett's POV:
The train stops and I walk on the platform to go up the streets of Manhattan. Immediately I pull up maps and find the nearest café.

Once I'm there I order the Carmel Mocha, "Thank you sir." I smile and drop a five in the tip jar.

Alex's POV:
"Yes baby I know, look I just need some coffee. Yes I know love you." I hang up on Sasha and enter the café to order black coffee.

"Thanks dude." I walk out of the café and quickly forget that my phone was on the counter. I run back and hit a body.

"Vad sjutton! Jag ska har bott i Sverige!(What the heck! I should've stayed in Sweden.)" I yell in Swedish, while she looks innocently trying to get her coffee off her. Not even sparing a look at me.

"I'm so sorry! I can buy you a new pair of clothes if you just give me your number and we can meet up but it has to be like today because I'm traveling." She rambles and tries to pull out pen and paper from her purse then finally looks at me.

"No, I have somewhere to be." I snap trying to walk away.

"Maybe you should've stayed in Sweden." She murmurs and walks the opposite direction.

Scarlett's POV:
"Hi Rose! You have no idea how fun Massachusetts was!" I smile hanging up my coat on my desk.

"Cool! I would love to know but there's a total hottie in bosses office." Rose shushes me and I frown but grab a new coffee.

"There was a total jerk on my way back who ran into me spilling all of my drink over me and he was cursing me in Swedish! Who does that? An idiot! Aren't I right?" I rant to Rose as she snaps her head to me giving me the, 'act cool' look.

Alex's POV:
I run to go see my father in his office and I'm greeted with girls gawking over me.

"ALEXANDER! What a lovely surprise!" My father greets and leads me to his office as I instinctively follow.

After what seemed like forever, we walk out together. I see her talking to a girl.

"Miss. Winston please follow me into my office." My father commands and makes coffee girl and I follow him.

"What are you doing here?" We say in sync as we stare each other down.

"What do you mean what am I doing here?" We say once again in sync.

"Look, I work here so can you get out I don't want any of your rudeness to rub off on me." She scoffs and turns the other way.

"My dad is the owner of this company." I snap once again to her as she looks at me wide eyed.

"You're the legendary Alexander Peters? Wow okay." She laughs and I look at my dad who's face shows he's-amused?

"Are you going to put her in place?" I question my dad.

"Son, she does speak the truth you are being very rude. Even though Scarlett is sassing you she is our best writer." He smiles and pats her on the back opening his office door for us.

"Mr. Peters am I going on break? Or why did you call me back to NYC?" Scarlett asks taking a seat and I mimic by sitting down.

"Well actually I called both of you here to sort of um start a project." Edward smiles leaning back in his chair.

"So no more Travel: Travel the USA with Scarlett Winston?" Scarlett asks and shifts in her chair obviously uncomfortable.

"No. But instead two of you will travel the world!" Edward claps his hands and has a gleam of happiness in his eyes.

"What about Sasha? My girlfriend?" I question.

"I never liked her anyways." My dad scoffs and smiles at Scarlett.

"You're saying you don't like her? Well screw you!" I yell knocking over the chair.

"With all do respect sir, I don't really want to go on an expedition with your son around the world." Scarlett smiles warmly at my father and I give him a death glare.

I walk out and call Sasha, "Hey babe, my dad and I met and he wants me to travel the world with um a girl and he said I have to do it."

"That's great Alex." Sasha sniffles, what's wrong?

"Sasha what's wrong? Are you mad at me?"

"No, but I'm pregnant...and it was a mistake! I was drunk!" She explains trying to apologize.

"I'm gone for two days! Two days and you cheat on me! You know what we are done, I can't believe you." I hang up my phone and was about to knock on the door but hear them talking in a hushed tone.

"Yes sir, I get that you want him to mature but why with me? He hasn't been the kindest human." Scarlett argues.

"Scarlett, he hasn't been the same since my wife and his mother has left us. He refers to me as his parents because he feels as if I'm his mother and father role. You need to understand that he is a very loving boy but just has a very twisted past." Edward reveals. Who was he to share that?

After debating with myself I knock on the door, to see Scarlett laughing at my dad's phone.

"That was him! He doesn't even look like that." She howls and I look over to see a very hideous picture of my eight year old self.

"Nice of you to join us Alex." Edward kindly smiles and I whisper in his ear what had happened with Sasha, "Well we can't postpone the project son."

"I understand. Where to first?" I ask as Scarlett controls her laughing.

"Scotland right, Mr. Peters?" She asks and I look in awe at my dad.

"Maybe you two should get to know each other better first...."

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