Act 1 Chapter 1

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Poppy just finished singing with all the trolls of Pop village when she noticed a shadow watching from the nearby trees, she recognized the shadow instantly.

"Hickory"! Poppy skipped over to him and grabbed his arm before he could walk off.

"hi Miss poppy" Hickory sighed giving in to his fate, he only came out to keep an eye on the silly trolls while they sang so loudly. He should have known poppy would see him.

"I keep telling you that you don't have to call me 'Miss' makes me sound old" Poppy giggled as her friends joined her.

"uh nice singing all of you...though it was a bit loud" Hickory frowned as the snack pack looked at each other rolling their eyes.

"hickory you always say we're to loud" Satin rolled her eyes hand on her hip.

"do I, sorry bout that I'll leave yous alone then" Hickory turned to walk off only for poppy to tug on his arm again.

"wait wait does that mean you're not coming to the party tonight"? Poppy frowned. Hickory glanced around trying to figure a way out.

"but its gonna be the biggest" the twins started

"the loudest" Dj Suki added in.

"The craziest party ever" Cooper finished as they all started cheering around him.

"look I get it, its been 20 years since you escaped those monsters and you wanna celebrate but..come on poppy its far to dangerous to go around singing and screaming the world down, just trust me on this..." hickory looked at poppy pleading with his eyes.

"are you sure you wanna invite the debbie downer"Cooper whispered to poppy thought everyone could hear him.

"of course I do, Hickory and me are best buds we grew up together, everyone deserves to be happy" Poppy smiled at her friend.

"sorry miss uh I mean poppy but I really don't think the party is a good idea" Hickory took a step back ready to bolt.

"I know you've got a party heart deep down you just need" Poppy motioned to her friends around her "our help to find it" Poppy pulled out a invitation from her hair, it opened up to saw 'Hickory you're Invited' with a little felt version of him on a rainbow that sang out 'celebrate freedom from the bergens.

"what do you say hickory"? Poppy grinned as the felt hickory spat out glitter showering Hickory's face in the shiny stuff, Hickory reached out and pushed the invitation back towards poppy.

"I'm really sorry but I can't go to you're party" Hickory said firmly, the trolls around them rolled their eyes having already seen this coming

"easy Hickory easy" Creek floated down from who knows where brought down by a little bug.

"thank you for providing safe passage brother namaste" Creek nuzzled his forehead against the bug's before bowing, Hickory rolled his eyes at the sight he could never understand the whole spiritual thing creek always went on about, normally hickory just avoided him.

"ok first of all mate thanks for sharing your 'unique' perspective on things...again" Creek patted hickorys arm which caused hickory to step away, he didn't like others touching him so much. behind them Hickory saw cooper and biggie try to hide their giggles at creeks words.

"but why dont you try some positivity for a change, a little positivity might go well with that vest" Creek pointed to Hickory's light brown and orange colored vest...karma was the one who showed him how to sow and blend colors like that. he didn't like creek mocking the vest.

"I'm positive having a loud party like this is a bad idea, now I'll stop bothering y'all and be on my way" Hickory turned to walk away only to hear a certain twinkle noise, hug time.

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