Family History

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A/N: I'm having a hard time tagging this so if anyone thinks of one it would be greatly appreciated

"So, there I was! My back against the wall! Held at gun point by ten... No! Twenty armed soldiers! Their commanders just about to give the order to send me to the here after!"

"What did you do Uncle Jack?!" A young and excited Jack Sparrow asked on the edge of his hammock which swag back and forth with the rocking of the ship. A flash of lightening went through the captains quarters from the raging storm outside. Jack wasn't afraid though. To enraptured (distracted) by his uncle's story which his father ordered him to tell for the duration of the storm.

"Well, I put on my best smile and lowered my guns and asked kindly to be let go. And do you know what they did?" He asked leaning in closer to his nephew for dramatic effect.

"What did they do? Did they shoot at you? Did you die?!" The six year old asked excitedly. His uncle chuckled.

"No I didn't die... Not this time. They just let me go." He said and young Jack immediately gave a distrusting look.

"They let you go?" He said giving his uncle a disbelieving look like he should know better then to lie to Jack by now.

"I'll have you know your uncle is an amazing negotiator!" Jack Senior yelled back at the little boy puffing his chest up confidently.

I low rumbled chuckle was heard and the two Jacks turned to see young Jack's father chuckling to himself over the map he was studying.

"Negotiation? Please, all you did was use your charm." Captain Teague said refusing to let his brother get away with fibbing to his child. Jack Senior gave his brother a glare for once again killing his glorious image in his nephew's eyes.

"Charm?" Jack asked curiously having never heard of such a thing before.

Teague looked up to see his son's confused and gave one of his own.

"I'm sure I've told you about the charm. Remember when I told you about your family heritage?" Teague asked. When he just received a blank stare in returned he stood from his chair and walked over to his son and brother.

"Come on, it wasn't that long ago we had that talk. Only a couple years." He said and his brother seemed to get a look of realization before he smacked his brother on the arm.

"I told you six months was too young to give 'the talk'!" He yelled at his brother before he got a murderous look. Jack Senior flinched back before patting his brother on the shoulder and giving a confident smile.

"No need for such a hostile look, now is there? I am your favorite brother after all?" He said and Teague just smacked his hand away before knocking him upside the head.

"Don't even try it. My will is too strong for your charm." Teague said before turning back to his son.

"Now, Jack this is the last time I'm going over this with you so pay attention." Teague said and Jack nodded with an adorable focused look on his face.

"Well I guess the best place to start is to tell you that your great great..." He paused in consideration.

"Great." Jack senior offered.

"Yes, thank you, your great great great grandmother was a siren." Teague said and Jack's little jaw dropped in surprised. Thinking of all the stories he'd heard of sirens from the crew. How they were beautiful creatures that lured men in with their sweet songs before drowning and feeding off them.

"What?!" He exclaimed getting nods of assurance from both his father and uncle.

"Yep, you heard right. We're decent from sirens." Jack senior said clearly proud of their heritage. Teague on the other had looked less impressed.

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