Chapter 2

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It's been 2 months, Penelope still refused to talk or even akwonledged Hope's presence, so after the desaster of this night, Hope became a total mess and decided to leave the Salvatore School because all of her family is leaving in New Orleans and she missed them and now she has no reason to stay anymore..


Josie is the first to learn that Hope is leaving the town because she might have overheard it passing by her father's office, the headmaster..

"... I can't stay here anymore. There is nothing for me in this place.." Hope explains with tears in her eyes. Alaric was about to try to comfort her, but Josie brusts angryly into the office "So what? You're going to leave just because of a girl?!"

Hope throws her a cold glance "She isn't just a girl, and you know it! She's the girl. And because of you, she can't even stand to be in the same room as me without feeling sick!" Hope screams before bumping Josie's shoulder while storming out of the office. Josie is quick to follow while Alaric is left alone, trying to wrap his head around what the fuck must had happened between them.

Josie catchs easily Hope (thanks to her long legs!) "Wait!" and grabs her wrist to makes her look at her. "WHAT?!" Hope yells angryly, making Josie jumps in surprise. Realising it was her only chance, with the coldest glance she could muster, Hope yanks her arm free and continues her quick way to her room. Josie quickly recomposes herself before hesitantly chasing after her. But Hope is already in her room when she finaly catchs her. So Josie, with a new found determination, starts banging at her door. "Open up! We need to talk!" Silence. So Josie bangs at the door again, louder this time "I will not leave until we talk! So open up, Hope!"

"What didn't get you when I said 'don't talk to me anymore!'." She heard Hope yelled.

"I already said that I was sorry! For god sake, can't you just open this fucking door, I just want to say one thing!" Hope stays quiet for a few seconds, then when Josie was about to bang at the door again, she hears some foot step, then the door flies open to reveal a cold Hope. "You have 10 seconds." She then processes to raises her brow expectenly.

Josie wasn't really faithfull about her last minute plan, but it works! "What?" Josie looks at her dumbfully.

"9... 8... 7... 6..."

"Okay, okay, can't you just stop counting?" She dramaticaly rolls her eyes, but Hope doesn't stop. "5... 4... 3... 2..." Josie looks at her, really looks at her. She can see that the girl before her didn't sleep a lot in the last few weeks, because the bags under her eyes are terrifyingly wide and dark. And her eyes are still red, puffy and swollen from crying. Her once perfect and tonic body, is now weak and slim, she must have lost appetit and lost weight because of it. Josie soften at the state of her once best friend, and whispers "You should tell her.."

At that, Hope flinches and her cold facade is remplace by a melancolic one's, while she signs "No." Is all she can mutter, whch anger Josie seing Hope sturborn. "She has the right to know. Isn't she your best friend?" Again Hope is quick to glare at her with her hard and cold expression and Josie wants to slap herself for being so stupidly too foward.

"She hates me and doesn't want to have anything to do with me now, because of you remember?! So I doubt she'll care to know that I'm leaving in less than a week! So no, I'm not going to tell her, I'll leave her alone as she asks me and your 10 seconds are over now!" Hope says harshly while greeting her teeth. And with that Hope slams her door in Josie's face, leaving a sad Josie staring blankly at the door. "So I'd do you it for you." She murmurs under her breath before walking back to her room where she'd think about how she'll talk to Penelope about Hope's leaving. Then an idea pop in her mind, and she smiles to herself. This would be her only shot. For Hope's and Penelope's happyness she thinks to herself, before falling asleep and imagining a world where the three of them are in love and happy with each other.

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