Chapter 22

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For you Safishell! Did I update fast enough? I think I updated within a 72 hour period! lol

Chapter 22

“I’m so sorry sweetie, but do you mind picking up your sister from dance on your way home?”

I hear the rushed voice of Hale’s mom through his phone speaker.

We were headed back to Falls Creek after our overexerting day. I was still high from Hale though; he seemed to be bringing up my mood more and more often.

“No, what time?”

His mom gives a sigh of relief, “her lesson ends at eight.”

“Okay, I’ll be there.”

He ends the call, and then glances over to me.

“I guess we’re going to pick your sister up,” I grin.

He laughs then kisses my head before turning the radio up.

A couple of hours later we arrive to the dance studio, we’re about fifteen minutes early so we head inside.

Little girls in pink tutus twirl about, leaning on long rails, their reflections being reflected back. It was a beautiful sight.

“I used to teach here,” Hale whispers into my ear.

“Oh,” I say surprised.

A few other mothers filter into the waiting room and Hale pulls me into his chest. A flutter rolls through my chest and my smile deepens.

“Okay girls! Looks like our time is up for today, time to go change sweethearts,” the teacher, a thin blonde with loose curls twirls the girls around as they head to the back of the room.

After they filter out she walks towards our area.


The young teacher erupts into a smile that engulfs her entire face, then grabs Hale into a rough hug.

“You quit and then I never get to see you, how did I know that would happen? Tsk-tsk,” she mock teases, her grin never leaving her face.

“Sorry Katie,” he gives her a guilty smile.

“Bring me some cake and all will be fair,” she says wanly.

“And hi! You must be Belle, Delilah’s told me how you play princess games with her. Among some other things,” she glances towards Hale and then sends me a wink. My face automatically flames up.

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