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If you ever google the word feminism you would find,

"The advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes."

Now, there are million other definitions for feminism but the gist is the same, fight for the women's right without judging a woman on the basis of her gender. Gender doesn't define a person's ability.

One such family is the Vardhan Family. They didn't let gender define them. They worked for and is still working on the rights of a women.


"Sheila", acknowledged the orphanage matron.

"Matron. Where is the boy?"

"With his sister", came the matron's reply.

The matron guided Sheila into a room where a small boy of age ten was holding his sister very firmly in his arms. Sheila knelt in front of the boy and said,
"Hi, I am Sheila."

The boy didn't reply. He didn't even bother with a glance. Sheila knew trouble when she saw one. She would have to change her approach. Asking the matron to leave them alone Sheila went on to sit beside the boy on the floor.

"You know your sister is lucky to have you as a brother. I never had one to protect me from all those bullies in school and colleges."

With a sideways glance, Sheila could see that she has now captured the boy's interest. So, she continued,
"Kids at the school would pull my ponytail, hide my things and played pranks on me. I would cry so much."

"My sister is not a weakling. She doesn't cry. I will make sure she never cries. She will always fight.", came the boy's firm voice.

Sheila looked at the boy in awe. At the tender age of ten, he was sure that he would never let any harm come to his sister. Gently touching the boy's head she replied,
"Yes. You both are strong. You will always fight."

"Did you fight back those bullies or did you only cry?", asked the boy in curiosity.

Chuckling Sheila said, "I fought them. I even made them apologize to me."

The boy beamed at Sheila. At that moment Sheila did feel proud of herself.

After a moment of silence, the boy said,
"I am Nihal. This is my sister Heer."

Sheila could see that Heer, probably five, was already fast asleep yet Nihal hadn't put her on the bed.

"It's nice to meet you.", Sheila replied.
The boy merely nodded.

Being a child psychologist Sheila had seen all kinds of children, but this was new, even to her. Nihal was way beyond mature for his age, his firm and determined voice and his body language clearly told Sheila that.

"I don't want my sister to be adopted.", Nihal said in a whisper.

"Why?", Sheila questioned him.

"Because no one loves her. They just want to do it for their image."

"How do you know that? Has anyone told you?"

"No, but I have heard them. These people who come here to adopt her. They treat her well, with kindness in front of the matron but as soon as she leaves they shove her."

Nihal went on to tell Sheila about the parents who had once come to adopt Heer only to make her their maid. He then continued about one set of parents who had come to adopt Heer only to sell her into prostitution.

"And then there was this one time
when the parents were happy to adopt Heer. Everything looked normal to me but then as soon as the matron left they went on to discuss that if only my sister was a bit fairer. They went on to discuss for the beauty treatments they would have to pay for her. Thankfully, the papers weren't signed so I ran away with Heer. It was only when I came back did I find that the last set of parents were filmmakers and wanted to train an actress"

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