Chapter 4

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"Sometimes human places, create inhuman monsters." -Stephen King, The Shining

Zenon and Azura stared at Bladex, bewildered and confused

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Zenon and Azura stared at Bladex, bewildered and confused. For the fire burning in her eyes that had frightened them the day they had met seemed to have been extinguished. All that they could see was a strange emptiness as if her soul was not in her body right now.

Bladex stepped forward as the caretaker quietly left. "Hi, I am Bladex. I am a recently recruited agent by Mr. X and I shall be your personal caretaker from today. Also, they said I am one of you! A Special. Although I am not sure what that is." She began rambling off.
Zenon noticed that despite the enthusiasm in her voice, her face and eyes still seemed dead. She snickered. "Drop the act. We know you are probably confused as hell right now. And you probably don't even know why you are here in the first place." Bladex focused her gaze on Zenon, frowning.
"Uhh guys, chill out.' Azura said, noticing the tension between the two, while laughing nervously. "So Bladex! Hi, I am Azura and she is Zenon." Azura introduced herself as she extended her hand towards BladeX, who stared at it for a long time before shaking it. "Since you are new, how about we give you a little tour?" Azura suggested as she pulled a reluctant Zenon out of the couch.

Azura led the trio to her room while explaining to them about the lounge area and everything else that came up on the way. "-and one last thing, we can never even try to get out of those black metal gates." She explained while pointing towards huge gates that were guarded by four sturdy men, armed with guns.
" Why?" Zenon and Bladex asked at the same time after which they shot each other lasers from their eyes. Azura smiled bitterly, " Because we are Special, and we do not belong among the toxicity and falseness of the world above." She knew her two new friends were probably glaring at her out of confusion but she chose to disregard it. She quickly turned around and began to skip towards her room.


Zenon was not having any of it. A caretaker who is also a Special? Nonsense. She furrowed her eyebrows as she stared at an emotionless Bladex who sat on the opposite edge of the bed as she listened to Azura and her stories at the Specials' Unit. The girl in front of her was definitely not the one she had seen that day, tied up in the chair.

Zenon was shaken out of her thoughts with a growl coming from her stomach, attracting the attention of the other two girls in the room. BladeX grinned and Azura smiled. "I think it is about dinner time. Let's go grab some food from the cafeteria!" Azura suggested as she stood up and made her way towards the door. BladeX and Zenon soon followed and the trio made their way towards the cafeteria.

Zenon grew confused as Azura led them through a stairway that she had never seen before. "Um Azura? Are we still even in the boundaries of the Specials' unit?" She asked, receiving a weird look from BladeX.
"We are not supposed to step out of the boundaries! Azura what do you think you are doing going against your uncle?" Bladex said as she quickened her pace and grabbed Azura's hand.
"Bladex that hurts!" Azura exclaimed, slipping her hands out of Bladex's grasp. "Guys, I think we all know that ONLY I know this place like the back of my hand among us and so I know that the cafeteria is shared by Specials and other residents of this hospital." She explained as Zenon and BladeX mouthed an 'Oh'. Azura gave a small smile and moved ahead with the other two tailing her quietly.


It was pretty late so not many people were present in the cafeteria. The girls couldn't care less as they had already fallen under the magic of the delicious scent of food wafting in the place. Everywhere they looked, they could see the most scrumptious looking delicacies of all kinds. It was not the first time for Azura but she still felt amazed every time she came down here.

The guards were always alert with their hands wavering around their guns loaded with tranquilizers. The non-specials were dressed in hospital gowns which was a way to differentiate the two groups. They also knew to keep their distance from the Specials as they had heard of the ugly fights that had taken place in the cafeteria itself.

However, every once in a while the others found themselves losing control as their eyes fell on the Special who frequented the place the most- Caylus. They felt their hearts melt as he walked past them, filling up his plate with hundreds of slices of pizza while licking his lips. His light pink hair softly bounced as he skipped his way to a table. Everything about him was angelic and cute at the same time. His sparkling blue eyes as he hungrily eyed his pizzas, his radiant smile that never seemed to disappear and his cute "thank you" whenever the cook refilled his plate out of adoration. The other girls did not care if he was dangerous. For them, he was a dashing Prince.

They eyed their man as he was still making his way towards the table. Caylus smiled softly as he felt their gaze on him. He found them adorable and would often be sad that he was not allowed to be near them. Lost in his thoughts, he did not realize he was walking into a hungry yet skeptical Zenon until he crashed into her, the plate of pizzas flying out of his hand shaking him out of his thought process. Azura and BladeX who were a bit ahead turned back as they rushed over. The pizzas that were flying in the air, rained on Caylus and Zenon as the two locked eyes. Zenon's white shirt was now stained with cheese, tomato sauce and a whole lot of toppings.
"Um, thank you for the food but I think and am sure that food should go through my mouth first." She said as she lifted a slice from the floor, in a monotonous tone. "Hahaha..." Caylus laughed nervously as he waited for the guards to take him away since he thought that he had done more than interact with a non-special-showered her with pizzas which were supposed to be for his belly.

"Oh god, Zenon! Are you fine?" Azura stood beside Zenon as she helped her remove all the scraps of pizza from her shirt while BladeX just stood behind her. Caylus's eyes widened. "Azura?!? " he exclaimed, while being more awestrucked. He grabbed her and pulled her away from Zenon. "Don't you know the rules? No interaction with non-Specials." He whispered, hoping the guards would come soon which they didn't. Azura began to laugh before facing Caylus properly. "Caylus, I am surprised you don't know." She said as she helped Zenon in cleaning.
"Don't know what?" He asked as he got more confused.
"This is ZenonXXX and this one here is Bladex". She explained as she pulled the two girls in front of him. "X? That means..-" Caylus muttered as realization dawned on him. "WE HAVE NEW SPECIALS!?" he questioned, gasping. The three girls nodded in unison.

"Well, can we now go and have some pizzas for real?" Zenon said as her eyes scanned for the pizzas. Caylus grabbed her hand. "This way, madam." he said, faking a British accent as he guided her towards his favorite corner in the room. Zenon flinched at the sudden contact but let him do his thing since she was really hungry. This was the first time she had been in physical contact other than Azura. "Hmm.." she hummed as she shook away her thoughts before they escalated to weird thoughts.
"Yay! Pizzas!" Azura said as she followed Caylus and Zenon.

Bladex too started to follow when a stiff hand held her back. She looked back to see a man in a black suit similar to that of the guards. "The Chairman wishes to see you this very moment, Miss Bladex," He said in a rough voice as he motioned towards the door. "Oh, well then." She said as she followed him outside, throwing a final glance at her group. As they boarded the elevator, BladeX grew uneasy. "What is this about?" She asked the man. "Well, it certainly is not the greatest of things." He replied, increasing her uneasiness.

*********************************************************************************************** AND THAT IS THE FOURTH CHAPTER!

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