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Seekers are the most well-known type of Evercarant, though they are the rarest, and are present at a rate of 1 seeker per 200 evercarants. Seekers tend to hold highly authoritative positions in Evercarant. A seeker is also in charge of all of Evercarant as a Queen, but she mysteriously disappeared a little while after the gates closed. No proof has been found that she was dead, so until another seeker is found with the same amount of power as her, she will still be considered the Queen.


· Seekers can control the shadows near them. If a mortal were to come into a shadow under the control of a seeker, the seeker is given the ability to enter that mortals mind and do as they please.

· Some seekers can use the powers of other defenders, but that is a skill that has to be learned, and only one type of defender at once can be used.

· Seekers can crawl through solid objects, and use telecommunication systems as a way to transport themselves, such as cell phone cables, television networks, and in some cases, radio's or other electronic, connected devices. This does include appliances like toasters, microwaves, and other things like that. So, if you did something incredibly stupid, and everything in your house starts glitching, run.

· Seekers can make themselves look like normal people, but there are ways to notice a seeker in disguise.

· Seekers can manipulate space and time, small, short distance wormholes or locking certain areas out of a continuum

· Be warned, seekers can rip out your soul to feed off of

Abilities of the Head Seeker

· The head seeker can levitate up to fifteen feet off the ground

· They have the fastest attack out of all evercarants

· While most seekers can only manipulate shadows, the head seeker has the ability to turn shadows into death traps or currents. Death traps simply kill whatever comes into contact with them, while tearing the soul from the victim and quickly decomposing the corpse. These shadows are normally left in 2D. Shadow currents are shadows that are brought into the third dimension, and track down targets, tearing through them and ripping them apart, while sending the soul back to the seeker. This is why we do not call seekers, or do really dumb crap.


· Seekers tend to have very dirty skin (it's creepy and provides good camouflage)

· There skin is often paler than what it would be, as they cannot absorb sunlight at all ever, and have no blood flow

· Their body normally does not emit heat, and actually absorbs any heat in the environment, which is very uncomfortable

· Due to having thin, pale skin, most of their veins are visible, though they are normally empty or just don't work anymore

· Seekers hair can be any color in normal conditions. They die their hair to suit their taste sometimes

· Their eyes can be any color, but when they get angry, the colors are inverted, making the eye outside of the iris black, while the iris becomes white and the pupil becomes the original color of the iris

· They normally have loose, baggy clothing, which is often as dirty as they are. It isn't uncommon to see a seeker in something similar to a hospital gown


· The air around a seeker may appear darker than the rest of the atmosphere, as they give off a visible dark aura. The opaquer the aura is, the more powerful the seeker tends to be. If you suddenly can't see after you alarm a seeker, RUN LIKE THE WIND AND BE PREPARED TO DIE!

Note: it is possible for someone to die and become a seeker, depending on their personality and the conditions of their death. They may choose to seek revenge, and that may or may not be why they are called seekers (it's not, it's because they challenge people to games of hide and seek and kill the losers)

 They may choose to seek revenge, and that may or may not be why they are called seekers (it's not, it's because they challenge people to games of hide and seek and kill the losers)

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