Chapter 5

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Yvette POV {MM}

Haiiii!!! Been to llloooonnggg!! Well as we all know..But if you don't remember me I will glady reintroduce myself I'm Porsha...But don't call me that, I go by Yvette let that dat ish roll off ya bottom lip.. I go to to a School of Arts school, I take 3 acting classes and dancing for 3 hours at the end of the day, bump singing classes I do that in the shower or just on MY time not when told or that other ish singers do and so on

The bell ranged finally, class ended and it was our 50 minute break

Maya: "My feet hurt"

Yvette: "The perks of being a dancer Cali"

Maya: "Well NOLA I bet if you had on these tiny ass shoes you would say the same"

Yvette: "Girl stop shopping at those high class stores and shop at Walmart!"

Maya: "All the ratchets shop there"

Yvette: "I saw your mama there bout a week ago"

Maya: "Exactly"

Yvette: "You wrong"

Maya gets up and starts dancing towards Yvette

Maya: "So what you gonna do Miss 504!"

Yvette starts doing the same

Yvette: "Don't do that white girl!"

Yvette spins around

Maya: "Yvette watch out!"

Yvette runs into someone and she falls

?: "My bad"

Yvette: "No my bad, I was...Spinning...And hella dizzy!"

? Laughs

?: "Your funny"

Yvette: "I get that alot"

Yvette gets up and looks at him

Yvette: "Aye Indiana!"

Trevor: "Its Trevor"

Yvette: "I know but I call people by where they came from"

Trevor: "Haha! You go here?"

Yvette: "For a while"

Trevor: OH! You NOLA!"

Yvette: "No I'm Po-"

Maya: "She's Yvette"

Yvette: "Yeah! What she said"

Trevor: "Well Maya you still speak for others"

Maya: "Trevor suck my none existent di-"

Yvette covers her mouth

Yvette: "So what's...Up!..Trevor"

Trevor: After school me and my boys going to the skating rink yall wanna roll?"

Maya: "N-"

Yvette: "Yeah!"

Trevor runs off

Yvette: "Where the hottie go!?"

Maya: "Trevor-"

Trevor: "Sorry lad-...Lady and Man"

Maya: "....Don't get busted on"

Trevor hands Yvette a piece of paper

Trevor: "My number, text me where you stay"

Yvette: "You stalk?!"

Trevor: "Nah shawty!"

Yvette: "Ight Indiana"

Trevor: "Ight NOLA"

Trevor jogs off

Yvette: "Y'all so mean to each other"

Maya: "He's my stuck in the ass cousin"

Yvette: "...Fine cousin"

Maya: "What?"

Yvette:"Huh!? Nun!"


Short I knooow I just had to bring Yvette back in

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