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Questions from, xXAkatsukixLoverXx

Go check her profile out and follow that amazing person! And be sure to hit that vote Button if you enjoyed and comment and follow me for more!!

Q: what is your favorite food?

A: gonna have to say... either baked potato (sasha moment) or butter rolls(also Sasha moment)



Q: what is the nastiest food you've ever eaten?

A: well, when I was little my mom fed me all kinds of freaky stuff.... and I remember her feeding me frog legs and octopus..... and that my friends, is a main reason why i have trust issues



Q: have you ever just read over your fluff/lemon/stuff stories and thought in your mind 'what the actual f u c k did I just write?'

A: actually i have done that quite a few times not gonna lie, and every time i do i always think to my self like if someone from my school reads them and find out its me and are just like, "hey, yo lacey I found your stories on wattpad and I-" and I'd just slowly turn around with this look on my face and just stage whisper, "nO"

XD haha, but yeah but hope you liked this and comment anything ya want and i will answer every question you have!!! see ya poptarts!!✌

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