a love note for a lovely person

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I have never truly seen colour before your face lit up in front of me and shown its light into my world.

I have never truly known pain until you hung your head and refused to smile.

I have never truly felt sleep deprivation before those countless nights of dramatically scrawling the only words I could think up to describe my sweet emotions for you. I still haven't found the right ones.

I have never truly understood the dark sense of security that you've brought along with your innocent addictions and endless care.

I have never truly been religious until I heard your articulate voice explain your views on the world. The words you use make me feel like there must be something else, for science could never even dream of creating someone like you.

I have never truly witnessed confusion before your hands pulled me from the earth and into your own world of thoughts, addictions, worries, words I've never even heard of, musical wonders, and cherry red wine. Your so-called demons are the essence of your being and are purely strange perfections when you allow yourself to set them free. There's an art to that that you've probably never been aware of.

Love is a strange old concept that is really only a blip in the system but I know that I never want you to leave. My heart turns and shakes violently inside of my chest, and I also know I have gone absolutely insane.

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