Sleepover Pt.2

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*Kageyama P.O.V*


No answer.

"Hinata?" I say louder this time.

Again, no answer..

What the hell is he doing.
I feel a little tug on my trousers and turn around to see the one and only, Hinata's little sister, Natsu.

"N-nii-chan?" She sniffed while knocking on the door lightly.

No answer...

I started to get really angry now, why can't he just open the Goddamn door already.

"Miss Hinata?" I say calmly. "Could you please take natsu downstairs?"

"Sure dear" She replied with a small smile, I could tell she was worried though.

Once Natsu was gone I could really talk.

I chimed in with a-

"Listen you fucking piece of shit, learn to fucking respond when someone-"

I look down to see Hinata curled up on the bathroom floor crying like he was trying to flood the fucking place.


"Fuck off"

"What?" I say confused at his outburst.

"Fuck off, you clearly think I'm a piece of shit and you don't even like me. Why are you still here?"

"W-well that's the thing"

"What, your here to tell me you hate me or something?"

"I- No I wanted to tell you that I like you too, Hinata"

*Hinata P.O.V*

I started to blush furiously, he likes ME back

"I- wha-"

Before I could finish I was scooped of the floor and back into my room onto my bed.

"Tell me everything" Kageyama said in a soft voice.

"Well- well I've liked you since maybe, err... when I came to watch your middle school play, and then when you beat us it kinda got stronger because-"

"That's enough"

He grabbed my face softly and started to move himself towards me. Our lips were inches apart when-

"Shoyò? Kageyama? I see you two have sorted everything out" my mother laughed. "Well, I made some food so come down and eat."

"Okay mum"

"Also Sho, hes a keeper" She winked and left.

We were both blushing twenty different shades of red, covering our faces in embarrassment.

"So I'm a keeper?" He laughed to himself.

He gave me a small kiss on the cheek and we went downstairs.

"I love you Hinata" He says softly.

"I love you too Kageyama" I reply, again softly.

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