part two. the stalker.

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Nessy got her flowers. And start to make a game play with entoan and jp and Dlive. And they are playing a game. Called red flags. So Nessy was the bachelorette. " So Nessy. I'm writing a poetry. Like. Roses are red. Violets are blue. Let me cum in you haha. And I'm the besides with death. Omg... Ehhh. I know when or how we die? " Say Dlive. " Omg Donald! Ok next one Jp!" Say Nessy. And become red. " well. I'm the perfect date for you. I'm like your super boyfriend who gives you everything!. Like everything. And I also give you.. All the cookies. " Say Jp. " literally anything? Like ehh a pineapple pickle? " Ask Nessy." YES OF COURSE NESSY. YOU MY BEST FRIEND! And I'll will never get jealous. For example. You and entoan. Hugged like a friendship hug.I'll think. Hey that's sweet. " Say Jp. " that's very nice . ENTOAN. Your turn. " Say Nessy. And Entoan flip his white card. " so ehh... I'm a model. I have the greatest looks what you love. And everyone will be jealous. Because you got a good looking boyfriend with piercings. And I've got something else. Like this!. I'm a expert in your favorite sex position. " Say Entoan. Completely red. " So what's my favorite sex position? " Ask Nessy. " ehh.... It's.... Ehhh. Pussy riot? Or booty banger? " Ask Entoan. " I don't know lol! What do you think what I like? " aks Nessy. " I think both.... " say Entoan. Completely red. " moving on! " say Nessy. And dlive put a red card to Jp. And Jp to entoan. And entoan to Dlive. " So what are your dark side guys? " Ask Nessy. " Well I'm good at poetry. Like Rose's are red. Violets are blue. My dear kynessa. I love you. And I'm bff with the dead.
But theres one little detail what you may not know. Is. That... Ehhhh. Refused to cover the face well sneezing. Ehhhh look I'll just look away if I ever needed to sneeze. That's not that bad. Even in this corona time. " Say Dlive. " Oh than it's ok. Lol. Hahah. " Say Nessy. " So I'm now. Well. I'm your best boyfriend and I'll never get jealous. But I have one thing wrong with me. Is.... I'm into emo gamer girls?.. Welll. Now you are my only emo gamer girl. Irl! So please pick me! " Say Jp. " you have a point. So. Entoan. What's you dark side " Say Nessy. " well. I'm a model emo sex position knower. Haha. Eeehhh. Let's see... Holy fuck... Ehhh how do I say this. Dead. I'm dead. Welll shit on me " Say Entoan. " You'll be great with dlive hahah. Ok let me think.... " Say Nessy. And looked at her right and left. " it's dlive. " Say Nessy. And give him a point. " Thank you Senpai! " Say Dlive. And smile. So it's was Dlive's turn to pick. And of course he picked Nessy. Like Jp and Entoan. Then after 2 whole hour's. Dlive was the last picker. " so make me a date" Say Dlive. As they pick the cards. " so Nessy it's your turn. " Say Dlive. " Well I.... Ehhh. Emm. How do I say it. I.... Can talk to animals. So I can talk to Louie. And I can cook everything. Like if you want something nice like. If you want pancakes . I'll cook ot up. That's all I have to say. " Say Nessy. " That will be so sweet. Nessy. Next up. Entoan " Say Dlive. " ok well I get rit off everyone you want. And and I'm a Texas-based anime. Ehhh ok " Say Entoan. " ehhhh ok???  We'll jp your time" Say dlive. " Wellllllll.... Ehhh.  I'm a stay at home wife. So if you get hungry. I'll cook for you. And even when you are coming home. I'll cook a perfect steak. With some onions garlic bread. And I'm a good singer like. Ehh. Let me think. I just gonna sing. Snuff by slipknot. And I won't listen to your shame
You ran away, you're all the same
Angels lie to keep control
Ooh, my love was punished long ago
If you still care don't ever let me know
If you still care don't ever let me know ...that's all."  say jp " wow. I can imagine how nice you look if you cook something for me. heha" Say Dlive. And jp become red. " Ehh who's next ?" Ask Nessy. " well you have to give red cards so." say dlive . And Nessy looks at Dlive's home from the window. And smile.   " ok well..... " Say Nessy yawning. " Did you sleep good Nessy? " Ask Jp. " kinda. I was afraid that the stalker back is. So... I was a little awake... " Say Nessy. " I'll come to your home. I don't care about covid. I'll protect you. " Say Dlive. " I don't need protection. But it's sweet tho. " Say Nessy. " ok. Well. Are you guy's ready? " Ask Dlive. " yes. I'm " Say Nessy. " well start with you Nessy  " Say dlive. " Ok. I can talk to animals. And I can cook. And I.... Ehhh wtf! I love sucking on wiener . And yes the dick kind... Well..... I have nothing to say more " Say Nessy. Completely red. " Oh my.... Mmmmm. Well it's pretty hard for me. Welll. Entoan it's your turn. " Say Dlive. " I can rit of everyone you want. and I'll be your Texas based anime. But.... I only have sex with the dead. Well shit. "  Say Entoan. " ehhhh. No. Jp how is your life? " Ask Dlive. " I'm a stay at home husband. and I love to sing. AND I!.... LIKE running cum in my eye's. I mean what? " Say Jp. " Well Nessy you be mine again. " Say Dlive. " haha yeah! Daddy" Say Nessy. " well let's play this game again . But in an other day. Well like favorite and sup. And see you next time. Good night. Dikke doei! " Say Nessy. And talked with her friends . And Nessy come up with an idea. " GUYS! GUY'S!!!  I HAVE A AMAZING IDEA!. How about we play dead by daylight with gar tomorrow? " Ask Nessy. " sounds good. I'll need to get better with dbd. So I will love it. " Say Jp. " nice. Same btw " Say Entoan. " mmmm I can't wait for the salt. So yes. " Say Dlive. " Yay!. I'll ask Gar if he wants to play too tomorrow. Welp. See you all guys. Bye. I'll go to sleep and edit my vid. Bye. Good night " Say Nessy. And go off discord. And edit her vid. And wait until she can upload the video. And do a shower. And after Nessy left. The boy's did their own stuff. And Dlive. Makes a plan to stalk his little raptor again. So he wait until it's like two am.

✘Time skip✘

It's two am. And Dlive. Go inside Nessy's home. Because he has her House key. And go inside her home. Quietly. " ok.. Now.... Go" Whisper dlive. And go to her room. And he has luck because Nessy never lock her door form her room. Because. Her cat Skully. Who need's her do her stuff. So he go inside her room. And smile. And Lean above Nessy. And smell her hair. Then Nessy. Turns. And hit dlive on his nose. " FUCK! " Yell Dlive. Then Nessy a waked. And turn the light on. And saw Dlive

Hey there it's was fun to make this chapter. seee you in the next chapter. DIKKE DOEI. 😘
Ps sorry cliffhanger. UwU

my star-lord (yandere(Dlive22891 x Nessy) 18➕Where stories live. Discover now