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Kayla's POV

The cute boy from the past few days is sitting in my spot as I enter the train on this early Thursday morning. I give him a look that says, "That's my spot." He returns it by shrugging his shoulders and raising his hands in defense as if to say, "What?"

I smile at him as I plop down in the seat next to him. He is already holding up a notebook.

Hello good lookin', how are you this fine morning?

Never better, how are you Pretty Boy?

Pretty Boy? Who are you calling Pretty Boy?

We laughs at his reply

You! I write in return

Oh, I am so honored I have the title Pretty Boy. And I'm doing better now that I've seen you!

I roll my eyes at him and push his shoulder.

I feel as if we had been friends forever. I have never felt this comfortable around people since the accident, though I wasn't that outgoing before the accident either. My own family hasn't been the same since that day, even Henry though he tries to hide it. That day I never knew would change me life.

Ever since then I haven't made many new friends. I didn't quite have many before but the incident caused them to just disappear. The new school helps a little, but I still feel uncomfortable which makes me stick out like a sore thumb.

A tap on the shoulder shakes me from my thoughts.

Hey, what's up?

He holds up his notebook for me to read. He has a worried expression on his face. I can't help the fluttering in my stomach. Why is he paying so much attention to me? I haven't felt like someone has payed this much attention to me since the few weeks following the accident, and that almost over a year ago.

I start to write.

Oh, nothing. Just thinking. Sorry.

He smiles before writing his reply.

Okay. So what are you listening to everyday?

My heart rate picks up. No, he can't know. He won't talk to me anymore. I shake my head at him, hoping he hasn't noticed my nervousness.

Just music.

I write with a small smile.

Can I listen?

He replies to my horror.

No, not yet. I write and then add, I don't know you well enough. I give him a shy smile. He rolls his eyes calling my bluff. But then he gives me a smirk before he writes;

Oh but you will.

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