The Multiverse Is Bullshit!

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It's a beautiful day outside Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. On days like this... What could possibly go wrong...?

The answer? Everything.

It was some days after Eri rescue and Sir Nighteye death. One of the things, that will always haunt Midoriya... Even if he vowed to himself, he would never let something like this, happen again.

Currently, Midoriya was in his room, writing on his Hero Analysis Notebook, one of the few things that can stop him, from having negative thoughts.

He wasn't the only one, apparently. Having heard that both Ochako and Tsuyu, rarely came out of their room. Not that he'd blame them, after all, their victory against Overhaul, just didn't seem like one. Besides saving Eri, of course.

*Sigh* "Here I go again, I have to stop these thoughts, Sir wouldn't want me to fall into a pit of self-blame."

It was exactly at this moment, that a strong light came out of nowhere in the room. Blinding Izuku, slight. Only his hero training, and quick mind, made him react and taint his body. His ears strained for any sound, tact senses to react instantly, and smell sense to try and locate his enemy. While his mind was promptly thinking, just what his happening.

'His a villain, trying to attack the dorm?! Right Now?!' Izuku, in a span of a few seconds, tried to make sense of everything, not missing a single detail. Mind coming with more, than just a few possibilities. 'Maybe a surprise training? Doubt it. Even Aizawa is not that bold, to do something like this, just a few days, after Eri rescue.' Izuku quickly came to the conclusion.

'Then what?! What is happening?! Think Izuku! Think!'

It was at that moment, the light finally receded, and looking frantically around the room, that was definitely not his anymore. He could the entire – Class1A, along with – Class1B, and more than a few Pro-Heroes. All Might, Aizawa-Sensei, Gran Torino, Backdraft, Midnight, MT.Lady, The Pussycats, Miruko, Endeavor, Burning... Is that Aunt Mitsuki...? And beside her... Is that his Mother?!!

The Big three was there too, alongside Eri. Mirio Looking around in panic, while putting Eri behind him

Are they all, Kidnaped?! Who has the capabilities to so?! 'Shit' He doesn't curse very often, but the situation was just that alarming.

And is in that state of mind, that Izuku ultimately noticed that, there were more people in the room. Maybe, his mind is just shutting itself, Because of the insanity of their current, more than strange predicament... Or just because, he was currently looking at a, VERY, alive Sir. Nighteye.

...Or the League Of Villain, on the other side of the room, with a shackle free, All For One...

And a very pissed, All Might.


Snapping, from his descent on insanity, to see Ochako running, towards the brunette, just as scared as everyone else. And it was at that moment, Izuku just remembered, All Might, Catch-Phrase. 'Do Not Fear, Why? Because I Am Here.

His Hero motto, the one who always puts people's hearts at ease. And seeing the fear, pasted on everyone's face... He knew he had to something. Even if is just for the currently shaking, right beside him. In a moment of pure madness, making it clear that even, he is not thinking straight as he normally would. He put a bit of, One For All, Directly on his lungs... And shouted.

"Everyone!, Attention!."

Izuku Voice Boomed in the room. Compelling everyone to look at him.

"I do not know what is currently happening. What I do know is that, if we do not put our heads straight, it will give chances to whoever is responsible for this to strike us down!!."

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