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It started out as an average day. Yoosung had left for his classes and MC was out shopping for groceries. Just as MC finishes putting groceries away, Yoosung runs in the door, seemingly unending tears streaming from his lavender eyes. MC immediately rushes out of the kitchen to aid her crying boyfriend, dropping the box of cereal she was putting away in the process. She grabs a blanket, places it around his shoulders, guides him to the couch, puts on a movie, and then runs off to get him some of his favorite ice cream with two spoons. About halfway through the movie, he was finally relaxed enough to explain that he had an exam tomorrow and he had no idea what anything that was on it was or how to do it. MC then got up and walked over towards his gaming computer and unplugged it so they could focus on studying. "Hey! That's not fair!" he whined. "It's for your own good. If you want to pass this exam and stay in veterinary school, you're not gonna play LOLOL all night. You're gonna study and that is final!" MC scolded. "Y-yes ma'am." He whimpered. "OK,  kitchen table, now" she ordered. Reluctantly, Yoosung rose from his very comfortable place on the couch and dredged on to the kitchen table and sat down with his study materials. MC sits down at the table with him and sees that the subject of interest is none other than Biology, her minor in college. She knew exactly what he was doing and knew exactly how to help him learn enough to get a passing score. "Alright Yoo, we're gonna start with how photosynthesis works, seeing as all the cell history and parts of the cell have already been covered." MC explained. 
After a few hours of explaining, ranting, crying, and a lot of sighing, there seemed to be some hope for the boy. "Got it?" MC questioned. "Yep! I think I'm ready for my test tomorrow." Yoosung stated happily. "Good, then I'm expecting at least a B on that exam tomorrow, or else no LOLOL for a week." MC warned. "NO PLEASE GOD NO I'LL DO MY BEST I PROMISE JUST DON'T TAKE THAT AWAY!!" Yoosung cried. "I won't if you get at least a B on that test." MC stated flatly. "I'll do whatever it takes to get my games back" He whimpered. "Alright then, we ought to be getting to bed, It's getting late." She said. "Sounds good to me." Yoosung yawned out.

*Time skip to the next day brought to you by Saeyoung dancing across the screen :)*

    "MC! I got a 97 on my exam! That's an A. Now you can't take away my games!" Yoosung shouted as he busted in the door. "That's great, babe! And like I promised, I won't take away your LOLOL. Go play baby, your teammates need their guildmaster." MC said. "Gladly!' Yoosung cheered as he ran to his computer and booted up his game. "Back to the basics, some simple rest and relaxation." MC stated as she laid down on the couch to watch a movie with Lisa while her cutie played his games.

A few moments later

The peace was quite short lived as just 3 minutes into the movie, MC heard screaming coming from the other room where Yoosung was gaming. "GOD FUCKING DAMMIT! WHY DO YOU KEEP KILLING ME!!!" the blonde boy screamed. This screaming was followed by some worrisome crashing. MC heard all of this and decided to go check on him in order to make sure he hadn't broken any of his expensive equipment while on his rampage. As she walked into the room, she could've sworn she saw a vein popping out of his forehead and smoke coming out of his ears as he furiously kept on gaming. MC had no idea what was going on whatsoever, but she pretended to be interested.
About 5 minutes into watching him play, she saw someone kill him again in-game. Just as Yoosung goes to scream even more, MC piped in with a simple "That guy was totally using an aimbot." The poor boy froze dead in his tracks when he realized who said that. She had apparently been so quiet, he hadn't even noticed she was there. Yoosung just sat there in shock for a second thinking MC actually knew what she was talking about (even though she really had no clue). The boy eventually wordlessly rose from his chair and approached MC. He then proceeded to lift her in his arms and throw her onto their bed. He disappeared from MC"s view for a moment only to reappear with...














A blanket and Lisa. The two just proceeded to cuddle there for the rest of the night.

(You really thought I was gonna go there!? Not this time ya nasty's. Go read the one dedicated to smut if that's why your here. I'm not gonna ruin this sweet fluffy boi with that!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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