Chapter 1. The Disney dilemma

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So what movie are we watching kido? Patton said. Tangled! Virgil and Roman said together. Haha you to jinks! Patton said laughing. Oh god😒 Logan said in a mad tone. ( after the movie) " animation and music by Oliver wood" the credits said. All the sides started clapping and Logan stormed off angrily . * Sigh* I need a recharge. Logan said while he's locked his door.

P: logan? Logan are you awake?
L: what Patton?
P: we want to talk to you
L: * sigh* okay Patton


V: Lo were you alright you seemed a little ticked off yesterday?
L: yes I'm fine
V: okay........
P: so um Logan. Why WERE you so mad at Oliver wood?
L: because he was my father
V P &R: was?
L: yes ............. I don't speak to him after what he done to me ................
R: oh ........ sorry I asked
L: it's okay just don't ask again
V: okay damn

The next day at 1: 00 am

R: Thomas there's something wrong with Logan!
T: What! What's wrong!
R: well I mite be blowing this out of proportion but. somethings wrong with Logan!
T: well tell me!

After explaining

T: Roman he's fine
R : okay 😒
P: No He's not we need to help him!!
R: pat what can we do if he is in danger?
P: well I don't know. But what I do know is he's not okay and hasn't been for a long time.
V: well what CAN we do?
P: well research! In any situation like this we would all go looking through books and the internet I suggest we start by looking up Oliver wood and his family.
R: okay that's a very good point but what if we can't find anything?
P: well then we can consult Joan and talyn I do say they know a fair bit about animation and all Oliver wood is an animator!
V: should we get Thomas's help?
P: I think we should
R: okay ! I think we're going to be solving a mystery
P: yep!

" Oliver woods and Leila berry had 2 children. Olivia and Logan Berry there frst child Logan had been hit by a car. His time of death was 2:44 a.m "

P: s-s-so l-logan is dead?!?
L: what do you mean?
P: o-oh hi logan!
L: please explain how and why I am dead.
P: well um I um
L: as you can tell I am not dead so I don't know why you would have any excuse to think that. if you have shared this with Thomas I will have to inform him that this is fake news.
R: that's easy for you to say you emotionless waste of a side!
R: sorry

It begins to fade out

Logan's mind: emotionless it's always emotionless. never sarcastic. never doesn't care. always emotionless......I'll show THEM emotionless

Logan goes to his room

L: okay if I update my system I can become completely and utterly emotionless a hollow being no soul no nothing just have to press these few buttons to make it temporary * misscliks* FUCK!! Let's hope this doesn't cause any problems

Steps into charging station

L: I hope this works

Charging station: emotion update complete

The next day

P: Logan! Breakfast is ready!
L: thank you Patton.this meal looks satisfactory.
P: woh what's with the big words!
L: I'm not sure what you mean.
P: okay...... well here's breakfast!
V: this is really good pat!
L: I agree this meal is satisfactory.
R: what's up with you books?
L: again I'm not sure what you mean.
V: you sond all smart and suff?
L: good to know.
V: okay.......
L: .....
P: .....
R: .....
T: hey guys we have a big video to film today so get ready okay?
P: sure Tom!
V: whatever
R: of course Thomas!
L: I believe that is doable.
T: okay!

After fillming

J: that went HORRIBLE.
L: no it went well Janice.
J: ....... logan I speak lies 😕
L: well was that a lie.
J: well no but-
L: that's what I thought.
P: let'sgo back to the mindPalace
V: k

{Hey I just wanted to say thanks to Emerald / Patton for some of the ideas lots of love - Virgil_as_a_angel}

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