a note from the author

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I was laid off from a job that I hated in March due to Covid-19. For weeks, I struggled with depression and worthlessness (it was my second lay-off in as many years after a huge career change) and battled every day to get through to the state's unemployment line like millions of Americans. Once the shock wore off and we settled into our new normal, I searched for a creative project to fill my time. I didn't want to spend the rest of the lockdown watching or reading other people's stories when I knew I had the power to tell my own. And who knew when I would get the chance to have this much free time again! I tried revising a play that got worse with every rewrite, attempted to revisit some old stories, and even started plotting my first screenplay, but nothing seemed to stick.

Then I discovered Wattpad. A friend and I were discussing a show I was binge-watching (The 100) and she casually mentioned that she read fanfiction for it. When I started to grow frustrated with the lack of LGBTQ+ stories on the show, I considered writing some myself and asked her for the website. I couldn't believe I had never heard of it before. The first story I published on Wattpad was removed and then I decided I didn't want to contribute to another writer's universe. I wanted to create my own.

On May 15, 2020, I opened a blank page and started writing To Build a Home (still untitled at the time). I had no idea what it was going to be about when I wrote the first sentence — I didn't even know characters or setting or plot. The only thing I knew was that I wanted to write three tropes: a city boy travels to a small town, someone falls in love with his brother's best friend, and someone falls in love with a straight guy. I immediately hooked myself in as a writer and a few days after Chapter 1 was finished, I started writing a new chapter every day. That was never the plan.

Living alone during a pandemic and being a writer with a new platform to share my work was a perfect storm of luck and inspiration and made it possible to complete a novel in less than two months. That's 69,553 words in under 60 days. And now I start my new job this week just as the book is ending. It all feels written in the stars.

I can't thank everyone enough for reading and commenting and voting and sharing and following. There are some special shout-outs I want to make to some of the earliest and most dedicated readers who kept me going. You'll never know how fun you made this journey for me. (And I'm sorry if I left anyone out!)


It's been such a wild and wonderful experience. I already miss Ryan and Darren and Noah and Sadie and even Charlie. I spent many hours with them, laughing and crying alone in my cozy apartment. I hope they brought you a fraction of the happiness and frustration and comfort and warm-fuzziness that they brought me. I learned a lot about myself as a person and a writer through their dramas and emotions. Most of all, love while you can.

Stay safe. Until next time...

xoxo Milo

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