6. Players play.

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Hello, guys.

Here's chapter 6

"Can you talk to him about this? Please I love him and it hurts me very much seeing him do this and deny. I'm ready to separate ways if it's true"

"Are you?" I jock her knowing she can't

"You know I can't baby."

"I'll talk to him. I got your back"

"Thanks, so why have you changed?"

"Have I? I think I'm tryna be a man"

That weekend I went to a party with Martin. Khloe came later and joined us. Martin left for drinks and it was just us two. The atmosphere was awkward but I had to tell her. "I've something to say."

"I don't wanna hear it" she says

"Can we please have a moment? Like the last time we did."


"I still have questions on that night. Pls say yes."

"Ain't you obsessed? I said no. And trust me I regret nothing but that night." She said looking straight in my eyes.

"You do? Well am sorry. But you have to hear this, he is going to break you in no time." Tracey walked to me and hugged me.

"Where's Martin baby?" she asked me sitting next to me

"I thought you called me baby 'cause am ready" I said kissing her temple and walked to where Martin was, leaving the two together. This wasn't good so I told Martin about the situation, he didn't go back but he called Tracey and left with her. I talked to Martin about Tracey, but he never listened until one day when she spoke it to his face, not a tear falling, that she wanted one last word and the next minute she'll be dating someone else. It was evident that a lot of guys better than Martin wanted her and Martin wouldn't want that to happen.

"Well, I knew I would go back to her. Khloe already doubted me"

"You understand how much you'll hurt her Martin"

"And so? How many girls have you broke?"

"Oh, OK."

So after Martin dumping Khloe she broke for real, she found every way to get back to him, by then I had already made a decision to let her be. That evening as I was ready to leave when Khloe followed me.

"You knew it all this time" she started


"He was playing me. Dumbass! You never said" Fuck, u crazy?

"Dumbass? Bitch! thought you said you hate me around you and your boyfriend. You wanted to see him more often. Remember? Just get your sorry ass away from me! "

She stared at me as if not believing what I said. Tracey and Martin came along and we drove home. They were back together and it was fine again. When we dropped Tracey, I told Martin about Khloe and what he said was all.

"She had to think clearly. How could she fall for me such easily?"

"Maybe it was a crush you know. Don't blame her."

"Why? I knew what she felt, am just not in a place to reciprocate."

So she loved Martin? Why the hell not me? I need her attention now and forever.


"She's not the first dude. We've dumped a lot" He says

"You did. I've never told someone I loved them. I always tell them what not to expect when we hook up. I've never faked my feelings for anyone."

"Fuck man! So what you do wanna say? Unfair? How many girls have you slept with? How many had feelings for you? How many said their love you? You never minded them, so why the hell her?"

"Well. Enough, I was just thinking straight in a thousand years."

"It ain't nothing man." Martin says as he hops out of the car while I drive home.

The next day when classes were over before I left Khloe came to me, the second time since we met. She said nothing until I took a step ahead making my way to the parking lot.

"Jason..." she called and without making a sound I turned to face her

"I'm sorry, I need to know something"

"I would appreciate it if we weren't standing on a corridor. Especially with a girl."

"Oh! Thought you like kissing girls at the gym!" she says smirking. When we reach at the parking lot she begins asking her questions which were obvious something I didn't wanna listen to.

"Look, Jason. So I need to know if Martin was dating Tracey before me."

"Do you need an honest answer? 'Cause that's what I'm going for." She nodded silently

"Well yeah, he was dating Tracey for two years. So maybe if I put it clear, he was kinda using you. I'm sorry to say it though" I say starting the engine ready to leave.

"Jason, wait."

"What? Just lemme go there's nothing else to know, I'm sorry it had to be you but it always has to be someone."

"I need him back, Jason" That got my full attention.

"Fuck! Seriously?" I ask her calmly. And her answer comes next, she nods slowly tears almost falling.

"Bye" I say and drive away not believing my ears. That's it. She needs him back.

The next weeks were spent avoiding her, I skipped the gym and parties were no longer a routine. I concentrated on studies and getting her outta my head. I knew now that I liked her, I knew I would never have her and my silly brain never wanted to erase her for good. She never stopped asking about him and my hopes were gone just like that. But yet something in me still believed I could make her mine.

So one evening as I was walking from the class, we met at the lockers. She stopped her tracks when she was close enough. She knew I was never stopping so she began speaking to me.

"Are you ok? You seem distant"

"Why? Do you care? I've always been this way."

"Whatever took you long to get out" I didn't answer that until I reached my car.

"Ok, let's say you answer my last question and I swear I'm never going to come around you anymore." she says

"And you think I'll say ok? Tell me why I should."

"Because you hate me nosing around you. Because you do not want to see me."

"Are you still on it? Just give up Khloe nothing is gonna work"

"Why don't you answer me? I just need him back, Jason. I know you hate me but I need your help."

"You think I hate you? What if somebody needs you as you need him, will you stop wanting him back?" Seriously Jason?

"I need nobody but him, and yes you hate me." It hurts me when she says it

"What if we have a deal?" A dirty thought had crossed my mind

"What deal?" she says

So what's the deal guys??

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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