gotta blast

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"Malerie, don't do that." Yuzu told her as she inhaled from her last cigarette of the day. She took it out of her lips and smoke filled the evening air. "Why not?"

"It's bad for your health. Are you wanting to die?"

"So what if I die?"

"Malerie..." Yuzu was about to finish his statement but was cut off by Malerie throwing down the short cig and stomping on it, then walking off to the sidewalk and heading for the convenience store.

It was only a few weeks ago that they moved into the neighborhood, but it wasn't much unlike their home world. Even though they lived just north of a city, their world was way more lively than this. But after being put alone to themselves for a long while, they both got used to silence. She knew the white, painfully soft walls of the room she was thrown into, and he knew dark, rotting pits 6 feet under. So they figured it was all good.

The automatic doors swayed, illuminating the dimness of the outside as Malerie took a step in. Going down the aisle, she noticed not a lot of people were around. Ignoring the imaginary stab in her gut, she arrived at the counter. Too tired to talk, she pointed to the pack she wanted and took out her wallet as the cashier grabbed the item. With the purchase made, she took a turn outside to the left and opened the pack at the side of the store.


"Finally!" Lagoon shouted at himself in relief. He hovered over his recent invention that would allow him to share memories with a maximum of two other people. Wires surrounded the middle dome and reached out into opposite ends to two headpieces that would recieve signals from the brain and input different signals that would force the user's life to flash before their eyes to transfer memories to the other users. It's weight and some parts of the design were not the most convenient, but he was certain it'd work. Now it was time to track down the one person he wanted memories from...

He opened a portal he received from his personal test subject part-camera, Vector, and they both entered the town of Happy Terror. Locating their target, they quickly positioned themselves for a sneak attack and inched ever closer. By the time they snuck behind a dumpster next to her, Lagoon took out a launcher and shot a syringe that knocked her out. Vector zoomed over to not let her hit the ground, and Lagoon attached the headpieces to both her and Vector. Placing the dome upon his head, he pressed a button that lit up the device and the effect was instant.

Before falling on to the ground from the zap, Lagoon took out a different syringe that woke his brain up. He was immediately getting surged with the memories of Vector, Malerie, and worst of all, himself. He noted in his head that while the physical pain of the newly gained memories did not retain, the pain of his forgotten memories came right back all at once. He breathed heavily, trying to calm his heartbeat and himself down. "God damnit... At least I didn't break any fucking bones..."


Bob sat there, wide-eyed and open-mouthed at his camera moniter. At first he was going to shoo her away from loitering outside the store at this hour, but then all this other weird shit happens at the snap of a finger. Now he was going to call up Sam to take care of this mess.

They didn't have any sort of police or anything like that, so most of the residents in Happy Terror would rely on Sam to solve all the conflicts. Of course, how close you are to the big house affects the time he gets to the "crime scene", but he always shows up. Sometimes his step brother would come as backup. So Bob quickly dialed Sam's phone number to alert him of this movie of a scene.

By the time Sam arrived, Lagoon had already left. The invention was severely damaged and the only people left at the pavement were Malerie and the gross looking creature. Sam turned to Alex and told him, "Go tell mister Ito about this and take care of the orb guy, I'll handle her for now." Alex responded with a nod and turned his wheelchair around to head to Ito's location. Sam took Malerie out of Vector's arms and carried her over to the inside of the store, where it would keep her warm at least.

It took all the way into the store's closing hours until Malerie finally woke up. She tried to get up, but Sam lightly pushed on her shoulder to tell her that she needed to stay down. Yuzu was on his knees and hands right next to her, with the most worried face she's seen him wear. She noticed band-aids on her forehead, and then she recalled her "dream" very clearly...

"Holy. Fuck." These words escaped her mouth alongside low wheezes that made it sound like loud whispers. She blinked twice and touched her head to make sure she was even alive. "What? What is it?" Sam questioned her almost as if she was a dog. Instead of a coherent response, she kept whispering and cursing at nothing as she thought more and more about these newly obtained memories.

Yuzu convinced Sam that he would carry her back to their house, and he layed her across one side of the bed and pulled a blanket over her. Malerie moved to her side and looked up at Yuzu, who was sitting on the bed and pushing away the hair covering her eyes. "Let's get some rest before you tell me what happened. Then we'll talk about it." He whispered to her before laying down and going to sleep. But she could not sleep at all.

She tossed and turned, but nothing could get her to sleep. Then she had one of the greatest ideas of all. She slid over the end of the bed and went out of the bedroom. She then opened a door that was meant to not be used for a while. She got out her screen-head and wiped the dust off of it, then grabbed at a screwdriver amongst other equipment. This prank was going to be grand.

After rearranging the wires, she set the screen down and connected the wires to her fingers. Holograms immediately began popping up, and she typed away endlessly...


Lagoon was about to hit the hay when his phone rang on the top of his drawer. When he grabbed it and checked his notification bar, he saw a weird email and opened it. Without a moment's notice, his phone began vibrating violently as his screen appeared to malfunction. Then a jingle all too familiar played out as a figure faded into his screen.

"HAHA! YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!!" The figure yelled in mockery of Lagoon as she stuck out a few quick birds right in his face. He tried to exit off to find out how this happened, but the figure stayed on his screen no matter what. "You dumbass, I'M MALWARE. See, right here!" She pointed up to the foreign letters in the email subject. " 'ma l wa re' "

"It doesn't say that."

"Really?" She looked back at it again and realized it never translated. "Suxxor."

"Fuck off." Lagoon turned off his phone and was immediately bombarded with fake calls and notifications. He put his phone on the drawer again as he got up to grab something that would keep him up late enough to deal with this. He opened his phone again and she had her face pressed up against the screen. "THERE YOU ARE!!! You must love coffee sooo much, why don't you marry it? Oh right, you're so good at being lonely! AHAHAHA!!"

"I'm not gonna deal with this shit." Lagoon grumbled as he got up with his coffee and threw the phone down on his bed. As soon as he stepped into the darkness of his laboratory, the computers powered on immediately and she appeared again. "Don't ignore me!"

"What the fuck are you getting at?!" Lagoon yelled right back at her. "Do you just wanna piss me off?!"

"That, and tell me why I was part of your stupid experiment!"

"You're a HACKER, I might as well steal your knowledge on it!"

"Oh, so THAT'S why. You just wanna use me. Just like how you used Whitey!"

Lagoon's eyes widened and he walked over to the computers. "What?"

"Honestly, what is your deal with him?! All he wanted was help and you just pushed him around!" She put her hands on her hips for show.

"How do you know this?"

(Swears)Artificial Malware (Is This Even "Bear Alpha Fanfiction" Anymore?)Where stories live. Discover now